Book Suggestions Please!

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Jeff Gaines

I have had VS7 for about a year now and use C# mainly.
The apps that I write are for my own use on the desktop so ASP/Web
applications hold little interest for me. I tend to use the Win API a
lot still but I suspect that there are better ways.

I am looking for book(s) that give details of the various namespaces
and the functionality within them (I know it's in the help but I can't
read that in the bath) and especially any books that will ease the
transition from the API to inbuilt functionality (assuming it's
there). Books that show how to use the API for things like shell hooks
and how to show the system context menu would be very much of

I liked the earlier Petzold books because they gave a complete
breakdown of the API and also Appleman's book on VB6 and the API.

I have I got Petzold's Programming Windows, Jesse Liberty's
Programming C# and Mueller's .NET Framework Solutions. They look good
on the face of it but are very basic once you get into them and really
add nothing beyond the excellent help system in VS.Net.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, those I have searched for
usually end up being about writing Web apps rather than Windows Forms

That's a tall order my friend.... I just used a combination of
DirectoryServices and Mueller's book to write a program to shut down all the
computers of our networking people ---- and even though they got me back
good, I can't help being starstruck with most of the content in John's book.
<If anyone is interested, drop me a line and I'll send you my
FunWithCoworkersInNetworking class ;-) >

Petzold's book rocks (although it's not geared to your question per se) and
Mueller's book is pretty darned good too. I'd recommend writing John...I
have and he alwasy writes back immediately. He could only squeeze so much
into one book, but I betcha he can steer you in the direction of whatever
you are looking for. And having a big interest in this area, I've looked
around. If you google on API and C# (you probably have already) you can
find some good bits and pieces, but unfortantely probably not a the
comprehensive chunk you are looking for.

I look around a lot and If I see anytyhing, I'll drop you a line.


IMO, the Framework is so big that it's difficult for any book to cover
everything comprehensively. It's better to get an overview from one or two
general books and then hunt for books (or Web resources) that focus on the
specific topics you need to know. (I've found the Wrox "handbook" series to
be rather useful -- shorter, cheaper books that specialize on specific

For an intermediate-level Windows.Forms discussion, I like Matthew
MacDonald's "User Interfaces in VB.Net." It should probably be useful even
if you're not fluent in VB.

William Ryan said:
That's a tall order my friend.... I just used a combination of
DirectoryServices and Mueller's book to write a program to shut down all the
computers of our networking people ---- and even though they got me back
good, I can't help being starstruck with most of the content in John's book.
<If anyone is interested, drop me a line and I'll send you my
FunWithCoworkersInNetworking class ;-) >

Petzold's book rocks (although it's not geared to your question per se) and
Mueller's book is pretty darned good too. I'd recommend writing John...I
have and he alwasy writes back immediately. He could only squeeze so much
into one book, but I betcha he can steer you in the direction of whatever
you are looking for. And having a big interest in this area, I've looked
around. If you google on API and C# (you probably have already) you can
find some good bits and pieces, but unfortantely probably not a the
comprehensive chunk you are looking for.

I look around a lot and If I see anytyhing, I'll drop you a line.


That's a tall order my friend.... I just used a combination of

Well I didn't want to make it too easy for you :-))
Petzold's book rocks (although it's not geared to your question per se) and
Mueller's book is pretty darned good too. I'd recommend writing John...I
have and he alwasy writes back immediately. He could only squeeze so much

I hadn't thought of that, thanks I have just dropped him an email.
I look around a lot and If I see anytyhing, I'll drop you a line.



Many thanks, much appreciated.
IMO, the Framework is so big that it's difficult for any book to cover
everything comprehensively. It's better to get an overview from one or two
general books and then hunt for books (or Web resources) that focus on the
specific topics you need to know. (I've found the Wrox "handbook" series to
be rather useful -- shorter, cheaper books that specialize on specific

For an intermediate-level Windows.Forms discussion, I like Matthew
MacDonald's "User Interfaces in VB.Net." It should probably be useful even
if you're not fluent in VB.


Thanks for your response. My level of knowledge at the moment is such
that I am often not quite sure what it is I am looking for but there
is more becoming available gradually.

I will have a look at Wrox.


Stay away from the Wrox and Microsoft books. Especially the Wrox. They're
very poorly written and mostly regurgitate information you can already find
in MSDN documentation. Mostly surface level garbage put out quickly to make
money for the publisher. Sorry to be so harsh but I've bought quite a few
of these at $50 plus pieces of trash only to be greatly disappointed in
their content.

I would take a look at the O'Reilly books if I were you. The ".Net Windows
Forms In A Nutshell" book is the most comprehensive book I've been able to
find on Windows Forms. It's more of a reference book than a tutorial on
learning Windows Forms programming. But it's packed with information.
There might be publishers other than O'Reilly that are writing for quality
instead of quantity and speed but I haven't run across any others. All the
O'Reilly books I have on .Net have been well worth the money.

Good luck,
Gregg Walker

MS Press books rock by and large. Wrox is out of business and Appleman
own's them now, so they'll be great. But Wrox got stuff out quick. Sure,
lots of typos and all, but they had some very first rate authors.

I don't even want to get started on O'Reilly. I know, watching code spawn
over 20 pages is great, but can't they make a hardcover book, just for us

IMHO, Apress has the best stuff going, but it's a close call with MS PRess.
Look at either Author List. Richter, Balena, Prosise, Fergus....Appleman,

You can't possibly mean that about MS Press?
Gregg Walker said:

Stay away from the Wrox and Microsoft books. Especially the Wrox. They're
very poorly written and mostly regurgitate information you can already find
in MSDN documentation. Mostly surface level garbage put out quickly to make
money for the publisher. Sorry to be so harsh but I've bought quite a few
of these at $50 plus pieces of trash only to be greatly disappointed in
their content.

I would take a look at the O'Reilly books if I were you. The ".Net Windows
Forms In A Nutshell" book is the most comprehensive book I've been able to
find on Windows Forms. It's more of a reference book than a tutorial on
learning Windows Forms programming. But it's packed with information.
There might be publishers other than O'Reilly that are writing for quality
instead of quantity and speed but I haven't run across any others. All the
O'Reilly books I have on .Net have been well worth the money.

Good luck,
Gregg Walker
Bah! Hah! ;-)

MS Press books are well written. I'll give you that. Their series of books
I've seen on .Net though do not get beyond the basics in most cases. Hardly
worth the $50+ spent.

I'm not quite sure what you're problem with O'Reilly is. When I spend good
money on a book I expect to get good technical content that goes deeper into
topics that what you find in available documentation and magazine/web
articles. All the O'Reilly books I've bought meet that expectation. I
can't always say the same for MS Press.

I haven't looked at books from APress yet so I've put them on my list to
check out. Thanks for the heads up.

BTW...I don't look for books based on the author. I prefer content over

William Ryan said:

MS Press books rock by and large. Wrox is out of business and Appleman
own's them now, so they'll be great. But Wrox got stuff out quick. Sure,
lots of typos and all, but they had some very first rate authors.

I don't even want to get started on O'Reilly. I know, watching code spawn
over 20 pages is great, but can't they make a hardcover book, just for us

IMHO, Apress has the best stuff going, but it's a close call with MS PRess.
Look at either Author List. Richter, Balena, Prosise, Fergus....Appleman,

You can't possibly mean that about MS Press?
William said:
MS Press books rock by and large. Wrox is out of business and
Appleman own's them now, so they'll be great. But Wrox got stuff out

Not quite. Wiley cherry picked the 36 most profitable books and Apress
(Appleman and Gary Cornell) bought the remainder, some of which they are
republishing under the Apress name. Wiley own the Wrox name and are
publishing Wrox books under that name.
Appleman own's them now, so they'll be great. But Wrox got stuff out
quick. Sure, lots of typos and all, but they had some very first
rate authors.

IMHO, Apress has the best stuff going, but it's a close call with MS
PRess. Look at either Author List. Richter, Balena, Prosise,
Fergus....Appleman, Cornell....


I just got your managed extensions in C++ book last week, and I really
enjoyed it. New to manged C++ but figured I needed to start playing with
it. So yes, I can honestly add your name to the list.
