Voici - you'll see I've kept all of Stefan's explanation and title in here
well .....
' Written by Stephen Lebans 1999
' (e-mail address removed)
' This sample database is for a Poster named "Lady".
' She wanted to print her concatenated Control with
' one part in Bold and the rest normal.
Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
Const TWIPS = 1
Dim strFirst As String
Dim strLast As String
Dim intPosition As Integer
Dim CtlDetail As Control
Dim intMargin As Integer
'I'll leave in Italic and Color in case you want to use these'
Dim oldFontBold As Integer
Dim oldFontItalic As Integer
Dim oldForeColor As Long
Dim oldFontName As String
Dim oldfontsize As Integer
Dim oldScaleMode As Integer
'Save current Font settings
With Me
oldFontItalic = .FontItalic
oldFontBold = .FontBold
oldForeColor = .ForeColor
oldFontName = .FontName
oldfontsize = .FontSize
oldScaleMode = .ScaleMode
End With
' Remember for this sample I am naming your control tblady. You MUST
' change the name here to match that of the actual control. Also
' I assumed the control source is exactly as you posted to the NG
' =[LastName]&", "&[FirstName]
' OK lets find your control and seperate the concatenated field.
' for each control in details control
For Each CtlDetail In Me.Section(acDetail).Controls
If CtlDetail.Name = "CombinedName" Then
With CtlDetail
.Visible = False
intPosition = InStr(1, .Value, ",")
strLast = Left(.Value, intPosition - 1)
strFirst = Mid(.Value, intPosition + 2)
'Debug.Print strLast
'Debug.Print strFirst
End With
With Me
'Make sure we are in Twips
.ScaleMode = TWIPS
'Grab Controls current Font settings
.FontName = CtlDetail.FontName
.FontSize = CtlDetail.FontSize
'Create desired Font settings
'for the Last Name - Bold Text
.FontBold = True
'.FontItalic = True
'.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) 'RED
.CurrentX = CtlDetail.Left
.CurrentY = CtlDetail.Top
' For some reason must be Me.Print not .Print
Me.Print strLast;
Me.Print ", ";
' Reset Font-> NO Bold for FirstName
.FontBold = False
.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
.FontItalic = False
Me.Print strFirst
'Restore Reports original Font settings
.ScaleMode = oldScaleMode
.FontBold = oldFontBold
.FontItalic = oldFontItalic
.FontName = oldFontName
.FontSize = oldfontsize
.ForeColor = oldForeColor
End With
End If
' Cleanup
Set CtlDetail = Nothing
End Sub
Sue Compelling
Duane Hookom said:
My suggestion is for you to reply back with your code.
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
Hi Duane .... tried that and it printpreviewed the whole field in
[not just the last name of the concatenated field] AND it also
itself over the field currently there. Any other suggestions?
Sue Compelling
What did your attempt look like? Did you try something like:
Me.Print UCase(Trim(Me.txtDollars_Left))
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
Hi Duane
I tried that in the body of the code 'where the formatting is
established' -
though it didn't work. This is to make the Lastname of the
field in capitals [as well as bold] as per my previous post. Is
something else I should be trying?
Sue Compelling
Any text that you want to display in upper case, use the function
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
Hi Duane - thanks for this. When I went in again the code
- though do you know what the command is for MAKING CAPITALS -
Sue Compelling
I don't know if this method will work for you but you can use
method of the report like:
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
Dim intTop As Integer
Dim intLeft As Integer
Me.FontSize = 20
Me.FontName = "Arial"
intTop = 360 '1/4 inches
intLeft = 1440 '1 inch
Me.CurrentY = intTop
Me.CurrentX = intLeft
Me.Print "You have $"
Me.CurrentY = intTop
Me.FontBold = True
'this assumes there is a text box named _
txtDollars_Left in the detail section
If Me.txtDollars_Left < 0 Then
Me.ForeColor = vbRed
End If
Me.Print Trim(Me.txtDollars_Left)
Me.CurrentY = intTop
Me.FontBold = False
Me.ForeColor = vbBlack
Me.Print " left to spend."
End Sub
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
Hi, I have a concatenated field and I only want the last name
Another person had this question, and I followed the path
inimitable Stephan Lebans. I copied his code into my report
on the first line ...
Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As
I'm on ACCESS 2000 - does this make a difference?
Also - what is the code for making it in CAPITALS as well?