Is it possible to apply attributes and bolding to parts of a string?
e.g. ls_address = BOLD(RED("BAD ADDRESS")) & vbcrlf & ls_firstline (I
know there aren't bold and red functions like this - just to try to give an
I know I can apply them to controls on the form, and about conditional
formatting. I could try to re-do things to only use separate controls. But
I'd like to know what I can do with strings.
e.g. ls_address = BOLD(RED("BAD ADDRESS")) & vbcrlf & ls_firstline (I
know there aren't bold and red functions like this - just to try to give an
I know I can apply them to controls on the form, and about conditional
formatting. I could try to re-do things to only use separate controls. But
I'd like to know what I can do with strings.