BOINC Stats Banners


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
While we await the return of the stats banners you can use the BOINC stats graphic, But only if you use BOINC.

Here's how,

First up go here and search for yourself in the search box at the top left.

Then on the far right on the line of your stats, you will see a little graph icon (Labeled 'Detailed Stats')
(Make sure you click on the one for BOINC not the World Community Grid)

Click that and you will be taken to your detailed stats.

A little way down the page you will see 'URL for user signature graphic' with the url on the right.

Copy that and paste it into the 'Edit Signature' box in your 'User Control Panel' and put
either side of it. Just like the others.

Preview, if ok then Save. And your done. :thumb:
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Good show V_R :D Hopefully the WCG banners will be back online soon :)