hi ady here goes
16/12/2006 00:57:26||Starting BOINC client version 5.2.13 for windows_intelx86
16/12/2006 00:57:26||libcurl/7.14.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8 zlib/1.2.3
16/12/2006 00:57:26||Data directory: C:\Program Files\BOINC
16/12/2006 00:57:26||Processor: 2 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz
16/12/2006 00:57:26||Memory: 2.00 GB physical, 3.85 GB virtual
16/12/2006 00:57:26||Disk: 68.36 GB total, 9.39 GB free
16/12/2006 00:57:26|World Community Grid|Computer ID: 15366; location: ; project prefs: default
16/12/2006 00:57:26||General prefs: from World Community Grid (last modified 2006-09-05 17:43:38)
16/12/2006 00:57:26||General prefs: using your defaults
16/12/2006 00:57:26|World Community Grid|Result faah0770_bdb346_mx1hiv_dry_02_2 is 102.40 days overdue.
16/12/2006 00:57:26|World Community Grid|You may not get credit for it. Consider aborting it.
16/12/2006 00:57:27||Remote control not allowed; using loopback address
16/12/2006 00:57:27|World Community Grid|Deferring computation for result faah0770_bdb346_mx1hiv_dry_02_2
16/12/2006 00:57:27||Suspending work fetch because computer is overcommitted.
16/12/2006 00:57:27||Using earliest-deadline-first scheduling because computer is overcommitted.
16/12/2006 00:57:27|World Community Grid|Restarting result faah0770_bdb346_mx1hiv_dry_02_2 using faah version 510
16/12/2006 00:57:27|World Community Grid|Starting result faah0770_bdb447_mx1hiv_dry_04_1 using faah version 510
16/12/2006 03:31:32|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request to
16/12/2006 03:31:32|World Community Grid|Reason: To fetch work
16/12/2006 03:31:32|World Community Grid|Requesting 451 seconds of new work
16/12/2006 03:31:37|World Community Grid|Scheduler request to
https://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/boinc/wcg_cgi/fcgi succeeded
16/12/2006 03:31:37|World Community Grid|General preferences have been updated
16/12/2006 03:31:37||General prefs: from World Community Grid (last modified 2006-12-16 01:06:37)
16/12/2006 03:31:37||General prefs: using your defaults
16/12/2006 03:31:39|World Community Grid|Started download of wcg_faah_autodock_5.28_windows_intelx86
16/12/2006 03:31:39|World Community Grid|Started download of faah_image_windows_5.28.tga
16/12/2006 03:31:57|World Community Grid|Finished download of wcg_faah_autodock_5.28_windows_intelx86
16/12/2006 03:31:57|World Community Grid|Throughput 68077 bytes/sec
it is set for 2 cores