Boinc FAAH Problems??


Growing old....
Jan 1, 2005
Reaction score
I have just returned home from a long night shift to find that all my computers have errors returning results since about 1am this morning.

I am getting "Attempting to communicate with [] timed out" errors.

Also after a while "Transient upload" errors and various other upload errors.

The finished results are in the work tab with "uploading" showing.

It would appear however that I am downloading new work OK.

This is occuring using both the old and new version of Boinc.

Can any others please check their work and messages tabs in Boinc Manager and see if anything similar is happening since 1am this morning.
I have no problems with my main PC or Linux ... but MJW PC is going nuts. :mad:

I shut Bonkit down till we get some answers. :(
Panic over - would appear to be a server problem over at WCG, everything seems OK now :thumb:

*I can now go to bed and sleep soundly*
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I checked mine this morning before i left for work and all was well. :)

Maybe a glitch?
Linky please ...

so, just leave it running and it will get going then ???

Mucks - there is nothing at the WCG site - but I noticed a bit earlier I was struggling to access the site, if at all.

I then went on a short while ago, and the site was back up again, so I have forced connection in Boinc, and all the results have now uploaded on all my machines :thumb:

I can only assume that their servers were down for a while?

Now I really must go to bed.......
OK, I just rebooted the pc and all is well.

Good night. ;)