Boinc Credit Claimed vs Granted


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
I was just going through the the statistics as someone already pointed out on the forum (apologies to the member for not remembering the name) that lately the Boinc Credits granted are invariably less than claimed due to slower PC users getting on with Boinc. Anyway, I calculated the details and here are my findings:

Total WU’s processed = 37

Boinc Credit granted higher than claimed = 0

Boinc Credit less than claimed = 30 (90.9%)

Boinc Credit equal to claimed = 3 (9.10%0

Error = 1

Pending Validation = 3

(WU's pending validation and the one with error are not taken into the equation when calculating the percentage)

What has been the experience of others, would you be kind enough to report your findings?
It was me Quad

Interesting stats, and seems to confirm my suspicions - I am getting similar, but I'm not going to calculate the exact percentages I'm afraid - it will take too long, I have over 1,700 boinc results to go through! :D

One thing to note - you will NEVER get more credit granted than you claim, and just because you get less than you claim isn't something to worry about as long as your getting more points than using the UD Agent.

I'm claming big points and getting them smashed ... :confused:


117 / 55
131 / 64
143 / 68
146 / 80
46 / 21

Runing Windows Boinc Tweaked

ok, you get the picture, now that was just my personal PC ... the "old girl" is doing a little better.


27 / 27
10 / 10
6 / 6
26 / 26

Runing Linux Boinc

I have three pending & no rejects. :thumb:
Thats because your 'old girl' machine will probably always be in a quorum with bigger ones, so you will benefit from a max score :thumb:

Your main rig's results have probably been in quorums with some lesser machines - its just the luck of the draw, but you will get the odd max, as Quad shows it will probably be around 10% of the time :thumb:
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Adywebb said:
It was me Quad

Interesting stats, and seems to confirm my suspicions - I am getting similar, but I'm not going to calculate the exact percentages I'm afraid - it will take too long, I have over 1,700 boinc results to go through! :D

One thing to note - you will NEVER get more credit granted than you claim, and just because you get less than you claim isn't something to worry about as long as your getting more points than using the UD Agent.



Glad you stepped forward and claimed the credit :D

Well, considering it took me 15 minutes to calculate all above, according to my calculator it would take you 689 minutes to do just that and in number of hours it means 11.5 :eek: No way you are asked to do anything, your crunching for the PC Review is more than what we can bargain for ;)
muckshifter said:
I'm claming big points and getting them smashed ... :confused:


117 / 55
131 / 64
143 / 68
146 / 80
46 / 21

Looking at those figures and comparing them with mine that is just about right :thumb: In most cases the difference in claimed and granted is much below 50% in my case too. :)
Well I'm not too fussed over points anyway, although I am impressed ... I really like to concentrate on results returned. As long as I keep that as is or improve I'm happy. ;)

What I find very interesting is the amount of 'big' teams we are catching, and leaving others well in our wake. :D
I also am not after points, it is the analysis of statistics that got the better of me :D