I have invalid attempt to login to my administrator
account with and error id 681 in my event viewer. The
attempt is made from a computer that does not exist. I
can not ping, trace or anything to the computer name in
the log. How can I find where this is comming from. Can I
gather additional information in the logs such as MAC
address or IP address? We have a PIX501 firewall in place
with one point of access to our facility. All trafic is
blocked incomming accept e-mail and http. That trafic
comes directly to a specific IP only. It is on a seperate
server then the invalid attemps. Not sure how to trace
this down. Any help would be appreciated.
account with and error id 681 in my event viewer. The
attempt is made from a computer that does not exist. I
can not ping, trace or anything to the computer name in
the log. How can I find where this is comming from. Can I
gather additional information in the logs such as MAC
address or IP address? We have a PIX501 firewall in place
with one point of access to our facility. All trafic is
blocked incomming accept e-mail and http. That trafic
comes directly to a specific IP only. It is on a seperate
server then the invalid attemps. Not sure how to trace
this down. Any help would be appreciated.