Stephen Bullen
Unfortunately, the BMSLtd.co.uk domain name is no longer under the
control of Business Modelling Solutions Ltd. I no longer have any
affiliation to that web site and do not condone any activities that it
is being used for.
Due to an administrative error, I had to let the registration lapse,
then re-register it. Unfortunately, the domain name was hijacked by
one Igor Vladimirovich Sumkin, who has a history of hijacking
recently-lapsed domains and using them for pornography. See
http://www.vertigogirl.com/rants/rant67.html for details of another of
his victims and further links.
I apologise unreservedly for any distress caused by navigating to
bmsltd.co.uk. I am currently trying to regain ownership of that
domain. In the meantime, all links that you encounter on the internet
and in these newsgroups that refer to bmsltd.co.uk will continue to
work if you change the bmsltd.co.uk to bmsltd.ie. As you encounter
these links, please help by emailing the owner of the site, requesting
that they update them to point to bmsltd.ie instead.
If you maintain a web site that links to bmsltd.co.uk, please update
those links to point to bmsltd.ie instead.
Thank you and again, I'm sorry for any distress and inconvenience.
Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel
control of Business Modelling Solutions Ltd. I no longer have any
affiliation to that web site and do not condone any activities that it
is being used for.
Due to an administrative error, I had to let the registration lapse,
then re-register it. Unfortunately, the domain name was hijacked by
one Igor Vladimirovich Sumkin, who has a history of hijacking
recently-lapsed domains and using them for pornography. See
http://www.vertigogirl.com/rants/rant67.html for details of another of
his victims and further links.
I apologise unreservedly for any distress caused by navigating to
bmsltd.co.uk. I am currently trying to regain ownership of that
domain. In the meantime, all links that you encounter on the internet
and in these newsgroups that refer to bmsltd.co.uk will continue to
work if you change the bmsltd.co.uk to bmsltd.ie. As you encounter
these links, please help by emailing the owner of the site, requesting
that they update them to point to bmsltd.ie instead.
If you maintain a web site that links to bmsltd.co.uk, please update
those links to point to bmsltd.ie instead.
Thank you and again, I'm sorry for any distress and inconvenience.
Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel