Looking around on the web, I've seen lots of mentions of the Desktop Elite
keyboard/mouse set for Bluetooth and a lot of people seem to be saying
that they can't get the keyboard to work until Windows has loaded.
It appears that Microsoft have just updated the set to V2 and from what I
can find, people have had more success using the V2 release of the
keyboard/mouse in navigating the BIOS/DOS etc.
Reviews from NewEgg in the US
Reviews from Amazon.co.uk
This would seem to suggest that Microsoft updated the hardware in the V2
release to allow a PC to utilise any bluetooth devices attached to the USB
Bluetooth dongle.
On the face of it I think you have three options;
1. Live with it
2. Return the V1 keyboard/mouse set and get a V2 set
3. Return the V1 keyboard/mouse set and buy a set that is known to work in
the BIOS.
4. Try a different Bluetooth Dongle as it might be the bluetooth dongle
itself that stops the BIOS from seeing/talking to the keyboard.
The logitech sets listed below both work in the BIOS;
The Logitech Cordless Desktop MX for Bluetooth
The Logitech diNovo Media Desktop 2.0, which is what I've got and does
indeed work in the BIOS.
Have fun and hope you get something sorted out soon,