Bluetooth Not Working in VISTA

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Have an ASUS v6j notebook, and it has a BT-183 Bluetooth 2.0.
Everytime windows tries to install the drivers off my manufactures disk, it
says windows encountered a proble minstalling the driver software for your
device. A service installation section in this INF is invalid.

Any suggestions?
Have an ASUS v6j notebook, and it has a BT-183 Bluetooth 2.0.
Everytime windows tries to install the drivers off my manufactures disk, it
says windows encountered a proble minstalling the driver software for your
device. A service installation section in this INF is invalid.

Any suggestions?

Obviously, this means that Vista just doesn't like the driver for your
BlueTooth adapter. Therefore, you are doomed to waiting for an
updated driver from the manufacturer.

There are no work-arounds, no secondary methods. Unless a driver is
produced for your adapter which is compatible with Vista, you will
have no other choices than to (1) wait for an updated driver and
software from the manufacturer, or (2) purchase a BlueTooth adapter
which IS compatible with Vista, and for which the manufacturer HAS
released a Vista-compatible driver and software.

Since Microsoft itself does NOT produce drivers for all these devices,
it will HAVE to come from the manufacturer itself, in ITS time, or it
simply won't come at all.


Donald L McDaniel
Please reply to the original thread and newsgroup.
Found updated drivers.
Everything installed fine. Now when I click on the Bluetooth manager icon
on my task bar, and try to add a new connection (my mouse) i get a msg saying
there was an error, bluetooth manager will shut down.
Any fixes? Do I have to use a toshiba bluetooth manager, if I have a
toshiba bluetooth builtin card? Or does MS/Vista have an updated bluetooth
manager that I am not seeing???
Found updated drivers.
Everything installed fine. Now when I click on the Bluetooth manager icon
on my task bar, and try to add a new connection (my mouse) i get a msg saying
there was an error, bluetooth manager will shut down.
Any fixes? Do I have to use a toshiba bluetooth manager, if I have a
toshiba bluetooth builtin card? Or does MS/Vista have an updated bluetooth
manager that I am not seeing???

It's always been my experience with Windows that when you add a
third-party adapter, you MUST use the software and drivers provided
with the third-party adapter.

As I have previously said, Microsoft is not in the business of writing
drivers for third-party devices. PERIOD. If Microsoft "provides" a
driver on it's installation disk, it is ONLY because the third-party
developer worked with Microsoft to write the driver. Therefore, such
drivers are NOT produced by Microsoft, but by the third-party

It's ALWAYS best to use the drivers and software provided on the
device manufacturer's websites or in the distribution package usually
provided with your purchase.

Ask yourself this question: Will ANY Manufacturer's sound card
software work with yours? Almost always, this answer is "no".PERIOD.

Use the manufacturer-provided software with the manufacturer-provided


Donald L McDaniel
Please reply to the original thread and newsgroup.