bluetooth mouse problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter Renae
  • Start date Start date


I'm not sure if i am posting this to the right newsgroup, so my apologies if
it in't right.

I have been helping a friend who has just got a new Kensington Bluetooth
PilotMouse. I can install it on their system using a USB/Bluetooth dongle
and all goes beautifully until he shuts his machine does for a period of
time (30 minutes or more), and then when he starts his machine again, it no
longers sees the mouse. He then has to re-install the dongle software all
over again and do the discovery etc etc.

I have used both the dongle and the mouse on two other machines but I don't
experience the same problem. They both work fine on the other machines.

My conclusion is, and i would love to be right, but would be just as happy
for somebody to give me to correct solution, as the two machines that it
works on are running XP Professional, whereas the machine that it doesn't
work on is only running XP Home. that Professional has better bluetooth
capabilities. If so, is there something that i can install on my friends
machine to overcome this problem.

Thanks in advance for any help that you can offer (even if it is only to say
that you have had the same problem so that i don't think that i am going
completely mad!),

(e-mail address removed)
Renae said:
I have been helping a friend who has just got a new Kensington Bluetooth
PilotMouse. I can install it on their system using a USB/Bluetooth dongle
and all goes beautifully until he shuts his machine does for a period of
time (30 minutes or more), and then when he starts his machine again, it no
longers sees the mouse. He then has to re-install the dongle software all
over again and do the discovery etc etc.

It may help to disallow Windows to turn-off the device. Open the
Device Manager, find the device and open the Properties. You can
disable this under "Power Management".
Most dongle software is incompatible with XP SP2. Try uninstalling any mouse
software.Unplug the dongle . Turn off (completly off!) Restart. Plug in dongle, wait a few
secs while XP SP2 loads its own drivers and then reinstall the mouse allowing XP to find
the drivers if it asks. Hopefully the mouse will operate with the SP2 USB drivers.
Pat said:
Most dongle software is incompatible with XP SP2. Try

Not just the dongle software. The bluetooth support software
that came with my Sony-Ericsson mobile wouldn't work
reliably either. I uninstalled it completely and let WinXP
handle the connection with its built-in support. And it does
that brilliantly, thank you.
The difference you're probably seeing between the two computers is likely
caused by having different bluetooth implementations. Look closely at the
Bluetooth icons. If they are slightly different shaped or have different
dialog boxes between the two computers, then you do have different
implementations (and you can also view the company name in device manager).

One implementation probably works better than the other with that particular

Also make sure you keep fresh batteries in the mouse. We've some really
strange behavior when mice batteries run low.

Sandy Spinrad
Developer, Windows Core Bluetooth