I want to apologize if this topic has already been addressed. If it has
been, please point me in the right direction.
I just purchased a new PC with Windows XP Media Edition on it. I was
hoping to use the wireless Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse (don't know the
exact model, but they are only about a year old) I've been using with my
old PC. After trying to install the software, I received a message
stating the version of Windows does not support the Bluetooth
installer. Is there a way to get around this?
been, please point me in the right direction.
I just purchased a new PC with Windows XP Media Edition on it. I was
hoping to use the wireless Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse (don't know the
exact model, but they are only about a year old) I've been using with my
old PC. After trying to install the software, I received a message
stating the version of Windows does not support the Bluetooth
installer. Is there a way to get around this?