Blue Screens just won't go away



Ok - I'm running XP Home, I keep getting different blue screen error
messages. The last one was Kernel error (not the whole message) - I do have
Norton 2005 - did scan - nothing came up- then in the backups I saw the
W32Netsky.C - so I got info on the Symantec website- did scan with that-
didn't show any virus's. My question - how do I find out why my computer is
giving me these blue screens? Is there a scan I can do on my computer? Do I
have a virus? I'm in desperate need of some good advise :(

Brian A.

I suggest first you make sure the virus is removed.
Info on the virus:[email protected]

Symantec's removal tool ( also included in link above):[email protected]


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
How to ask a question:

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


First, make sure the system is clean. Free virus removal tools:

Also, you may use this free on-line scanner:

Symantec also distributes many free removal tools that are virus-specific:

Many are best run in Safe mode to minimize interference. Most will resist
removal in normal mode where they are active.

How to start in Safe mode: mode

See if the blue screens go away after this.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

Ron Martell

furby said:
Ok - I'm running XP Home, I keep getting different blue screen error
messages. The last one was Kernel error (not the whole message) - I do have
Norton 2005 - did scan - nothing came up- then in the backups I saw the
W32Netsky.C - so I got info on the Symantec website- did scan with that-
didn't show any virus's. My question - how do I find out why my computer is
giving me these blue screens? Is there a scan I can do on my computer? Do I
have a virus? I'm in desperate need of some good advise :(

There are thousands (at least) of different possible error messages
that can be reported on a "blue screen" and the vast majority of these
all have different possible causes and therefore different cures.

In order to help you with specific blue screen error messages it is
necessary to have the complete *verbatim* text of that blue screen
error message, including any STOP code as well as the 4 parameters for
the STOP code and also any file or module names that are mentioned in
the message.

If you are getting a lot of different blue screen error messages and
there does not seem to be any pattern or predictability to them then
that type of behavior is often a symptom of a hardware related problem
such as a bad RAM module, a weak or failing computer power supply,
fluctations in the house/office electric supply voltage, a motherboard
problem, etc.

Hope this is of some assistance.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP

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