I have had my Dell Dimension desktop for a number of years now and about 6 weeks ago on shutting down, the dreaded blue screen that i have been hearing about has appeared with a Stop error message 0x000000F4 (0x00000003, 0x8223DDA8, 0x8223DF1C, 0x805B2BCA) I have only gone on it 4 times since and the message has come up everytime.
Now being perfectly honest, I know the basics, but when I have an issue, I am not very clued up about computers and am getting very frustrated. I downloaded RegCure which scanned my system and showed 1200 errors, but the free version would only cure 3 errors and I would have to pay $29.95 to get all of them cured.
I have seen indifferent reviews for RegCure, some people saying it works great, but others saying it makes the system worse. What do people think about RegCure on here?
Is there anything else that anyone can recommend or help to make my PC better again, I really do need some help on this and it would be very much appreciated.
I have had my Dell Dimension desktop for a number of years now and about 6 weeks ago on shutting down, the dreaded blue screen that i have been hearing about has appeared with a Stop error message 0x000000F4 (0x00000003, 0x8223DDA8, 0x8223DF1C, 0x805B2BCA) I have only gone on it 4 times since and the message has come up everytime.
Now being perfectly honest, I know the basics, but when I have an issue, I am not very clued up about computers and am getting very frustrated. I downloaded RegCure which scanned my system and showed 1200 errors, but the free version would only cure 3 errors and I would have to pay $29.95 to get all of them cured.
I have seen indifferent reviews for RegCure, some people saying it works great, but others saying it makes the system worse. What do people think about RegCure on here?
Is there anything else that anyone can recommend or help to make my PC better again, I really do need some help on this and it would be very much appreciated.