Windows XP Blue Screen Shutdown error on Windows XP

Sep 18, 2008
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I have had my Dell Dimension desktop for a number of years now and about 6 weeks ago on shutting down, the dreaded blue screen that i have been hearing about has appeared with a Stop error message 0x000000F4 (0x00000003, 0x8223DDA8, 0x8223DF1C, 0x805B2BCA) I have only gone on it 4 times since and the message has come up everytime.

Now being perfectly honest, I know the basics, but when I have an issue, I am not very clued up about computers and am getting very frustrated. I downloaded RegCure which scanned my system and showed 1200 errors, but the free version would only cure 3 errors and I would have to pay $29.95 to get all of them cured.

I have seen indifferent reviews for RegCure, some people saying it works great, but others saying it makes the system worse. What do people think about RegCure on here?

Is there anything else that anyone can recommend or help to make my PC better again, I really do need some help on this and it would be very much appreciated.


Generally things like RegCure appear as MalWare according to certain protection packages..... If your system had over a 1000 reg errors you'd be lucky to get into Windows m8.
My advice.... probably a con. Don't bother.
Found a forum about it.....


i purchased regcure a few months ago and didnt find anything different to that of system mechanic,as i only had it for a couple of days i asked for my money back,as i was well within my rights to do so, as it said(money back guarentee if not saticfied).
i did not receive my money nore did i get a response.all i am saying is BEWARE of handing your money out...

So yeah.... I'm right.... it's malware designed to get your money.
I did try to do a normal reinstall (the top option that is recommended) but the blue screen still comes up. Shall I do a backup as you suggest and do the advanced one, which says I may lose files?

Sorry if I am sounding a bit thick, just frustrated at the blue screen rubbish and not knowing how to resolve it!! Your help has been much appreciated.
PaulyC said:
Also, would iTunes be affected at all?


Yes if you were to reinstall Windows then you would lose all your music and other files. I would suggest you make a back up of this first to a cd or dvd. :)


If you do re-install for goodness sake partition your hdd into at least two sections. One for the OS and one for your files. That way you can do clean OS re-installs without loosing your files.

Thanks for the advice guys. Again I really am unsure what I am doing, so please forgive me for sounding thick. Can I actually make a copy of iTunes as there are songs on there that I have purchased so if I lose them, I cannot get them back.
No problem mate we all need to learn some time. :) If you hold ctrl and A that will highlight all the songs in your itunes libary, then you can copy them to a folder on your desktop, call this backup then make a folder called music then paste all the songs in there using ctrl and V.

Hope this helps.

