Received a valid PID and entered it into a build that works fine
in evaluation mode. On FBE it choked rebooted and came up
with a blue screen with bold letters about a LICENSE_VIOLATION etc...
This PID worked on a earlier config that I used to test the PID
with. I didn't find and documentation saying that you can only
enter the PID in once to one configuration before you're SOL
but that appears to be the case. Has anyone else ran into this
frustration feature or am I doing something stupid?
in evaluation mode. On FBE it choked rebooted and came up
with a blue screen with bold letters about a LICENSE_VIOLATION etc...
This PID worked on a earlier config that I used to test the PID
with. I didn't find and documentation saying that you can only
enter the PID in once to one configuration before you're SOL
but that appears to be the case. Has anyone else ran into this
frustration feature or am I doing something stupid?