Blue Screen Of Horror...Help



Sorry this is so long, just trying to get it all down correctly. :)

Basic Info:
Computer is AMD Athlon 1.4 GHZ, 512 MB Ram, Maxtor 80 GB Hard Drive and a
old Western Digital 60 GB Hard Drive.

XP-Pro service release 2, however my CD is orginal XP-Pro upgrade but was a
clean instal on new maxtor drive. I've used live update and really had now
problems until now.
I also had Nortons System Works 2003 and recently upgraded to System Works
2005 and got Nortons Firewall. Installed it but had problems and had
uninstalled it. I used to teach software, so have lots of software

I boot computer and It goes through the login process, login window opens,
enter name/password, no problem, click OK. My background photo comes up and
window pops up with:
"Your System has no paging file, or the paging file is too small.

To fix this problem, go to System in Control Panel, click the Advbanced tab,
and under Performance, click Settings. On the advanced tab, click change,
click 'Custom size', and then type an initial or maxzimum paging file size."
When I click the OK button I hear the XP startup music, desktop icons start
to load and then, then the system just rebutes. It would do this all day if
I let it.

I tryed re-booting into Safe mode, but only got more than a screen full of
system files, here's a sample:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partion(1)\windows\system32\Drivers\file name.sys
and then it just stopped.

I tried several different re-boots and then a new error window appreared.

Instead of the computer rebooting when the desktop was loading, a dos window
popped up and some text appears and then the dose window closes. This
happens so fast I can not make out any thing except it was a system file of
some kind. Just as fast, the computer goes to a blue screen at this point
with this message:
"A Problem has been detected & windows has been shut down to prevent damage
to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this stop error
screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these

Check to be sure you have adequatedisk space. If a driver is identified in
the stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for
driver updates. Try changing video adapters.

Check with your hardware vendor for any Bios updates. Disable Bios memory
opytions such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to
remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select
Advanced Startup Options, and then select safe more."

Technical Information:
*** STOP: 0X0000008E (0xC0000005, 0XF85608B6, 0XF2398A50, 0X00000000)
*** TPKD.sys - Address F85608B6 base at F8556000, DateStamp 38Ce8329

I don't have a updated backup ( I know, I SHOULD Know better :( ). I'm
worried about trying a XP repair using the CD because and losing everything.

I got to dos prompt, hard dives are ok, I can do dir reading etc. I have
two HD's the master is C drive with XP, I also have a data drive that had ME
on it. I could to a fresh install of XP on that drive, but I'm not sure how
to proced... Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks Sandy2003W


On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 14:17:02 -0700, "Sandy2003W"

Looks like you have to do a "Repair Install" this will not wipe out
your settings and files (hopefully) it reloads the OS over the top
replacing corrupt or missing files. From what you say you are in deep
trouble indeed + you had Norton 2003 / 2005 in and out which is
probably at the bottom of your problems. Don't put Norton in again eh
- use utilities off the disk if you must and get a proper AV /
Security system - NOD32 for eg.

Also it is best to make a "Slipstream Disk" (by combining your
original CD Rom & SP2 Upgrade Pack) to do the repair with.

All instructions including the slipstream setup here

Its a very good guide + has links for instructions in making a
slipstream disk. You are however going to need a working computer to
burn the slipstream disk on.

I have done several repair installs without problems (one in fact was
Norton 2005 related - it screwed one of my main admin PCs big time -
the moron who installed it is unemployed now AFAIK), I have heard it
can go horribly wrong but you may as well try it cos right now you
have lost everything anyway. Guess you could try and get your files
off the disk by slaving it onto a working PC, never tried that myself
I do daily backups to a remote HDD..............................:cool:

Good luck



|>Sorry this is so long, just trying to get it all down correctly. :)
|>Basic Info:
|>Computer is AMD Athlon 1.4 GHZ, 512 MB Ram, Maxtor 80 GB Hard Drive and a
|>old Western Digital 60 GB Hard Drive.
|>XP-Pro service release 2, however my CD is orginal XP-Pro upgrade but was a
|>clean instal on new maxtor drive. I've used live update and really had now
|>problems until now.
|>I also had Nortons System Works 2003 and recently upgraded to System Works
|>2005 and got Nortons Firewall. Installed it but had problems and had
|>uninstalled it. I used to teach software, so have lots of software
|>I boot computer and It goes through the login process, login window opens,
|>enter name/password, no problem, click OK. My background photo comes up and
|>window pops up with:
|>"Your System has no paging file, or the paging file is too small.
|>To fix this problem, go to System in Control Panel, click the Advbanced tab,
|>and under Performance, click Settings. On the advanced tab, click change,
|>click 'Custom size', and then type an initial or maxzimum paging file size."
|>When I click the OK button I hear the XP startup music, desktop icons start
|>to load and then, then the system just rebutes. It would do this all day if
|>I let it.

Don't click on OK :) instead press
WinKey+R <type in> SYSDM.CPL <enter> then
give yourself a pagefile. (Hit SET Twice)
On apply you will be asked to reboot - do it.

|>I tryed re-booting into Safe mode, but only got more than a screen full of
|>system files, here's a sample:
|>multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partion(1)\windows\system32\Drivers\file name.sys
|>and then it just stopped.
|>I tried several different re-boots and then a new error window appreared.
|>Instead of the computer rebooting when the desktop was loading, a dos window
|>popped up and some text appears and then the dose window closes. This
|>happens so fast I can not make out any thing except it was a system file of
|>some kind. Just as fast, the computer goes to a blue screen at this point
|>with this message:
|>"A Problem has been detected & windows has been shut down to prevent damage
|>to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this stop error
|>screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these
|>Check to be sure you have adequatedisk space. If a driver is identified in
|>the stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for
|>driver updates. Try changing video adapters.
|>Check with your hardware vendor for any Bios updates. Disable Bios memory
|>opytions such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to
|>remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select
|>Advanced Startup Options, and then select safe more."
|>Technical Information:
|>*** STOP: 0X0000008E (0xC0000005, 0XF85608B6, 0XF2398A50, 0X00000000)
|>*** TPKD.sys - Address F85608B6 base at F8556000, DateStamp 38Ce8329
|>I don't have a updated backup ( I know, I SHOULD Know better :( ). I'm
|>worried about trying a XP repair using the CD because and losing everything.
|>I got to dos prompt, hard dives are ok, I can do dir reading etc. I have
|>two HD's the master is C drive with XP, I also have a data drive that had ME
|>on it. I could to a fresh install of XP on that drive, but I'm not sure how
|>to proced... Any suggestions would be appreciated.
|>Thanks Sandy2003W


Hi Penny, I tried your sugestion, but all the computer did was beep, as soon
as I clicked the ok, your suggestion might have worked, but the time frame is
very short and you could not do anything before it went to the Dredded blue
screen, but I appreciate your help, thanks :) Sandy2003W


jonah said:
On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 14:17:02 -0700, "Sandy2003W"

Looks like you have to do a "Repair Install" this will not wipe out
your settings and files (hopefully) it reloads the OS over the top
replacing corrupt or missing files. From what you say you are in deep
trouble indeed + you had Norton 2003 / 2005 in and out which is
probably at the bottom of your problems. Don't put Norton in again eh
- use utilities off the disk if you must and get a proper AV /
Security system - NOD32 for eg.

No, Nortons didn't cause the problem, I'm pretty sure it was the
Adware/Spyware I have been trying to clean out of my system. :(
Also it is best to make a "Slipstream Disk" (by combining your
original CD Rom & SP2 Upgrade Pack) to do the repair with.

All instructions including the slipstream setup here

Its a very good guide + has links for instructions in making a
slipstream disk. You are however going to need a working computer to
burn the slipstream disk on.

That's a problem, my other computer does not have a burner, and is very old
and slow....
I have done several repair installs without problems (one in fact was
Norton 2005 related - it screwed one of my main admin PCs big time -
the moron who installed it is unemployed now AFAIK), I have heard it
can go horribly wrong but you may as well try it cos right now you
have lost everything anyway. Guess you could try and get your files
off the disk by slaving it onto a working PC, never tried that myself
I do daily backups to a remote HDD..............................:cool:

I might get hold of Nortons support and see what I can do to solve it that
way. I've used Nortons for years and never had a problem. It has saved my
but more times than I can count. Sorry to hear you've had such a bad time
with it. You do have to be carefull doing the install/updates though. It
can be very picky..

Thanks for the suggests, it helps me thinks of different solutions. I might
just pick up a External hard drive, pull the other two out, format the new
one with the old XP CD, get it running, update it to SP2. I could put the
non-working drive in as a slave. That would allow me to copy all necessary
files I don't want to lose to the new dirve.

Next I would switch the drives, and try the repair to see if I could get it
to work. That way at least I would not loose valuable info..

Cost of a hard drive is worth saving all my info. What do you think of this
work around? Thanks for the reply Jonah..


No, Nortons didn't cause the problem, I'm pretty sure it was the
Adware/Spyware I have been trying to clean out of my system. :(

Hmmm what did you use to delete it, sledgehammer?
That's a problem, my other computer does not have a burner, and is very old
and slow....

So use somebody elses, it takes about 20 minutes.
I might get hold of Nortons support and see what I can do to solve it that
way. I've used Nortons for years and never had a problem. It has saved my
but more times than I can count. Sorry to hear you've had such a bad time
with it. You do have to be carefull doing the install/updates though. It
can be very picky..

No s..t Sherlock?

Do be serious..........from Norton 2003 on there are many well
documented severe problems re installation / uninstallation /
upgrading. Attempts to do this can end in a broken PC requiring a
image backup or re-install to get out of. NIS 2005 is just about the
worst piece of useless bloatware I have ever seen IMHO and if you read
the AV / Firewall NGs it comes up in all its flavours esp 2004 & 2005
casuing hundreds of people grief. The last good one was 2003 which was
the last version I used.

Your problem seems to be you have no page file. Sandys' fix would have
worked if that was all that was wrong but it did not so its obviously
much more serious. You probably have a corrupt OS and if so you are
not going to fix it with a bit of tinkering and a patch, it will need
a re-install / repair install. There is even more incentive to do this
especially if you have been infected by Malware of some kind.

As a matter of interest why do you think Norton has anything to do
with it or have anything in their support section (cue falling about
laughing) that could possibly help? The only thing Norton Support will
come up with is 10 different ways of saying "Uninstall / Re-Install
Norton", thats the only answer they have.

I guess as a long shot you could run NAV off the Norton CD assuming
you have a start up disk for it.
Thanks for the suggests, it helps me thinks of different solutions. I might
just pick up a External hard drive, pull the other two out, format the new
one with the old XP CD, get it running, update it to SP2. I could put the
non-working drive in as a slave. That would allow me to copy all necessary
files I don't want to lose to the new dirve.

That may not work if the drive is corrupt or infected or both. Your
new OS Installation still has to be able to see the drive partition
and initialise it to read it. Also if it can be read and it is
infected by malware you will end up with 2 HDDs infected not 1.
Next I would switch the drives, and try the repair to see if I could get it
to work. That way at least I would not loose valuable info.

I suggest you either do the repair install yourself then if it works
OK check it thouroughly for malware, get your data off it and do a
full re-format / re-install. The risk of losing your data is pretty
small with a repair install assuming it is not corrupt in the first
place. Otherwise take the HDD to a PC shop and get the engineers to
recover your data then do a full clean re-install.

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