Blue Screen, every few hours on new P4 2.8 PC running Win XP Pro




I am also having a similar problem. I changed so that I get the blue screen,
rather than a reboot. The error occurs after My system has been on several
hours after I have been surfing the net. My PC is new, I configured and had
built for me. Intel 865Perl motherboard -800MHz front side bus, Intel P4
2.8 with HT 400 MHz. Two Kingston 512 MB memory modules in slots 0 for dual
channel configuration. ATI radeon 9600 (not Pro). Win XP Pro. Only one user
set up on standalone system not networked.

The problem has gotten worse in the last couple of weeks. I had a problem
with Norton system works 2003, in that I could not get Ghost to work
properly and had to manually uninstall Ghost. Symantec has some real
problems with their current software in that it does not uninstall properly

Note all drivers are the latest.

so I am not sure it if is hardware or software. But everything runs ok,
except the blue screen every few hours, usually after I close down my
programs and after surfing the next. Modem is Westell DSL broadband Verizon
768/128. Good connection and tested and tweaked correctly. use Outlook
express as mail reader. Also have MSN 8 installed as it came with Verizon
package. I can open OE check and send mail. play songs from my playlist,
surf the Net with both browsers and try to get a crash and everything works
great. Then I close my programs and al of a sudden a crash. Note. it does
not always happen after I close programs. But error seems to occur then or
while changing pages on web site.

Other software includes, Trojan Hunter (and guard), Office 2000, TweakXP,
Roxio 6.0, Disk 8.0 (just upgraded). I have tried a lot of things and the
problem does not go away. Tried running without Trojan guard and Norton tray
protect etc.

I finally changed my memory after finding that the memory was not purchased
as a matched pair, but bought as two separate modules. Kingston said that
this could cause the problem if the memory was from different lots etc. So
I got a kit from Kingston, and installed it. It looked like that this would
solve the problem, as the system went a lot longer before crashing?. But it
is still crashing.

So next step is top take out video card and use on board video. If that dos
not work will reinstall Os and test bare system and start adding softway
back in , one app at a time. ....................But my gut tells me
this is software, and that I should not half to start over to find it.

But before I do, any ideas on Software? Any way to reinstall just Internet

Thanks in advancd for any help
(e-mail address removed)
fell free to send me e-mail on this topic.


Rich hello,

Thanks for the reply. Yes I have installed the June Radeon driver update,
and just a couple of days ago the latest one. Maybe I should go backwards
to the driver on the CD. had less problems early on. BTW, I can not remove
card my motherboard does not have onboard video. but I did take out card and
reseated it tonight. My mistake.

I am also running ATI's hydra vision software that comes with their drivers
etc.,which allows me to set transparency of apps, etc and run virtual
desktops, which I have set to only one , and so far I have no really used
the second desktop, but I plan to.

Power supply is 400 watt Antec Smart Power (their middle of road power
supply), in Antec standard case.
Everything is run on new surge suppressor, with phone and printer on my
older surge suppressor (both high end and good brands).


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