Blue Screen every day. Prescot CPU SP2



I have updated to SP2 and everyday I get at least one blue screen. In Event
Viewer Log I get a different error message every time, not consistantly the
same error message so it appears to be erroenous. I know about the SP2
Prescot issue and have updated the latest Bio for my Soyo P4I865PE
motherboard but still get the blue screens. I have rebuilt this system at
least 5 times in the last month, each time completly formatting the hard
drive and starting fresh.
I got so frustrated that I decided to just rebuilt it back to SP1a which is
what my XP Home CD is but even with that I still get the blue screen every
once a couple of days. It's like SP2 is still lurking out there somehow. I
did not have any problems with this unit before upgrading to SP2. I did add
a DVD burner but just to rule that out, I pulled it out of the system and
still had the occassional blue screen.
I build about 2 XP systems a month with clients purchasing their own retail
version of MS XP Home and never had any problems like I am having with this
ANY IDEAS? The Blue Screen seems to come more frequently with MS Office
2003 installed on top of SP2. Only other programs installed is Norton 2003.
Please HELP.
Bill K.

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

First thing I would do is reformat and NOT install Norton. Try a trial
version of Panda (

Also check your RAM, XP is very picky on the type of memory it uses.

I run a Prescott with Windows Media Center and Office 2003 and can't
remember the last time I had a blue screen.

I'd also suggest that after the format you install XP with SP2 and see how
it goes without the Norton A/V. It's always good to narrow things down to
find the real culprint.


Cari, could you explain why not install Norton?
I've checked the software compatibility with Xp and Norton 2003 is listed as
combatible. I already purchased a year license with Norton and do not want
to venture off with another vendor if it is not neccessary but at this point
I am willing to just about try anything. As we speak I am doing what you
suggested and formatting fresh and rebuilding with XP SP2 (from SP2 cd from
MS) without any antivirus (no internet connection for now).

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

IMHO Norton is one of those software applications I rank alongside AOL as a
Borg product. It seems to assimulate the PC, installation is easy,
uninstallation is a project from hell.

I've seen many problems over the years from Norton and if we can eliminate
that as one of the problems with your PC so much the better. Let's see what
happens tomorrow with no Norton.

If you need antivirus software immediately, you could use the free AVG from or the trial version of Panda, but let
us know what happens tomorrow with it running as 'naked' as possible.


Here are the latest error messages:
Error code 1000000a, parameter1 e1507404, parameter2 00000002, parameter3
00000000, parameter4 8056b7fd.

Error code 0000000a, parameter1 8057c682, parameter2 00000002, parameter3
00000000, parameter4 8057c682.

Error code 0000000a, parameter1 8057d3b5, parameter2 00000002, parameter3
00000000, parameter4 8057d3b5.

Error code 1000000a, parameter1 e1544c1c, parameter2 00000002, parameter3
00000000, parameter4 8056b7fd.

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000000a
(0x8057c682, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x8057c682). A dump was saved in:

Error code 1000000a, parameter1 8057d3b5, parameter2 00000002, parameter3
00000000, parameter4 8057d3b5.

It appears to be more consistent now. I turned on VERIFIER and this is what
I got. I had to turn verirfier off in order to boot normally into XP even
when selecting only non-microsoft drivers. I have the latest minidump files
if anyone is interested in looking into this.
Thanks so much.
Bill Kellum

David Candy

1000000A and 0000000A are similar bugs and have same causes. Your code address is similar in all errors you listed and presumbably it is one driver.

Get your XP CD and install Windows Support Tools.

Type in start run after installing and rebooting

pstat > "%userprofile%\desktop\driverlist.txt"

The last table in this file is a list of loaded drivers. Other things apart from hardware uses drivers. Post the list of drivers (the last table only - REPEAT THE LAST TABLE O N L Y ).

If you have the XP SP2 Security Update CD (else see

Install symbols from <CD Drive Letter>:\SUPPORT\SYMBOLS


Load the crash dump file into windbg (File - Load Crash Dump and it's in c:\windows\minidump) and READ WHAT IT SAYS, then
!Analyze -v
into Windbg's command line.
(this will hopefully tell you the faulty component)

If the above is too technical then email the crash dump files to davidc @ Don't send me lots of them. Just the one from your last crash.

Driver Development Tools: Windows DDK

The IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL bug check has a value of 0x0000000A. This indicates that Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above.

The following parameters are displayed on the blue screen.

Parameter Description
1 Memory referenced
2 IRQL at time of reference
3 0: Read
1: Write

4 Address which referenced memory

This bug check is issued if paged memory (or invalid memory) is accessed when the IRQL is too high.

The error that generates this bug check usually occurs after the installation of a faulty device driver, system service, or BIOS.

If you encounter bug check 0xA while upgrading to a later version of Microsoft® Windows®, this error might be caused by a device driver, a system service, a virus scanner, or a backup tool that is incompatible with the new version.

Resolving the Problem
If a kernel debugger is available, obtain a stack trace.

To resolve an error caused by a faulty device driver, system service, or BIOS

1.. Restart your computer.
2.. Press F8 at the character-based menu that displays the operating system choices.
3.. Select the Last Known Good Configuration option from the Windows Advanced Options menu. This option is most effective when only one driver or service is added at a time.
To resolve an error caused by an incompatible device driver, system service, virus scanner, or backup tool

1.. Check the System Log in Event Viewer for error messages that might identify the device or driver that caused the error.
2.. Try disabling memory caching of the BIOS.
3.. Run the hardware diagnostics supplied by the system manufacturer, especially the memory scanner. For details on these procedures, see the owner’s manual for your computer.
4.. Make sure the latest Service Pack is installed.
5.. If your system has small computer system interface (SCSI) adapters, contact the adapter manufacturer to obtain updated Windows drivers. Try disabling sync negotiation in the SCSI BIOS, checking the cabling and the SCSI IDs of each device, and confirming proper termination.
6.. For integrated device electronics (IDE) devices, define the onboard IDE port as Primary only. Also, check each IDE device for the proper master/slave/stand-alone setting. Try removing all IDE devices except for hard disks.
If the message appears during an installation of Windows, make sure that the computer and all installed peripherals are listed on the Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility List (HCL).

Here is a debugging example:

kd> .bugcheck [Lists bugcheck data.]
Bugcheck code 0000000a
Arguments 00000000 0000001c 00000000 00000000

kd> kb [Lists the stack trace.]
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
8013ed5c 801263ba 00000000 00000000 e12ab000 NT!_DbgBreakPoint
8013eecc 801389ee 0000000a 00000000 0000001c NT!_KeBugCheckEx+0x194
8013eecc 00000000 0000000a 00000000 0000001c NT!_KiTrap0E+0x256
8013ed5c 801263ba 00000000 00000000 e12ab000
8013ef64 00000246 fe551aa1 ff690268 00000002 NT!_KeBugCheckEx+0x194

kd> kv [Lists the trap frames.]
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
8013ed5c 801263ba 00000000 00000000 e12ab000 NT!_DbgBreakPoint (FPO: [0,0,0])
8013eecc 801389ee 0000000a 00000000 0000001c NT!_KeBugCheckEx+0x194
8013eecc 00000000 0000000a 00000000 0000001c NT!_KiTrap0E+0x256 (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ 8013eee8)
8013ed5c 801263ba 00000000 00000000 e12ab000
8013ef64 00000246 fe551aa1 ff690268 00000002 NT!_KeBugCheckEx+0x194

kd> .trap 8013eee8 [Gets the registers for the trap frame at the time of the fault.]
eax=dec80201 ebx=ffdff420 ecx=8013c71c edx=000003f8 esi=00000000 edi=87038e10
eip=00000000 esp=8013ef5c ebp=8013ef64 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00010202
ErrCode = 00000000
00000000 ??????????????? [The current instruction pointer is NULL.]

kd> kb [Gives the stack trace before the fault.]
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
8013ef68 fe551aa1 ff690268 00000002 fe5620d2 NT!_DbgBreakPoint
8013ef74 fe5620d2 fe5620da ff690268 80404690
8013ef64 00000246 fe551aa1 ff690268 00000002 elnkii!_ElnkiiRcvInterruptDpc+0x1d0
Before upgrading to a new version of Windows, remove all third-party device drivers and system services, and disable any virus scanners. Contact the software manufacturers to obtain updates of these third-party tools.

Send feedback on this topic. / Built on Thursday, February 13, 2003

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