blue screen error (dump info)

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Event Type: Information
Event Source: Save Dump
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1001
Date: 27/10/2003
Time: 17:28:06
User: ______
Computer: _______________
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck
was: 0x000000d1 (0x00000015, 0x00000002, 0x00000000,
0xed2bab3e). Microsoft Windows 2000 [v15.2195]. A dump was
saved in: C:\WINNT\Minidump\Mini102703-05.dmp.

This is the information i need to be checked. Can any one
be of assistance.
A lot of STOP 0xD1's come down to filter drivers. What software/hardware
was recently added to the machine. How often do you get a bugcheck?

Try removing any newly added software/hardware, or disabling it using
Windows XPs copy of msconfig and see if that resolves the issue. Otherwise
you will need someone to look at your dump.