Blue Screen Error AGAIN! psd99

Feb 6, 2003
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hi there

I got a new harrdrive yesterday its a Samsung Spinpoint 250GB sata drive

it took me hours and hours but i finnaly managed to install xp on this and boot it up be choosing SCSI from bios! it worked once i got into windows and then came the blue screen :(

now the problem is i keep getting a blue screen
as soon as i go past bios
just BEFORE the black XP screen with the cursor thats green going from side to side i get the BLUE SCREEN OF HORROR

in that there is no specific error message
but it says something along the lines of:

remove new harrdrive or harddriver controllers u have recently installed
it mentions chckdsk/f command there

im a little lost now this harrdrive i formatted using xp
I dont know what to do please help

faulty harrdrive? or worth reinstalling xp by going for a full format as opposed to a quick one?

thanks for your help in advance
Try doing a full format and running the CHKDSK /F from another PC if you can. You may have some bad sectors on the drive causing problems if it brings up that message.
damn i dont like the idea of a bad sector ouch! from what I understand this sorta thing never goes away :(

I will format the new harrdrive again using my windows xp cd but this time ill format it full instead of quick.


I fully formatted the harrdrive using ntfs in the windows xp cd

now i keep getting blue screen
once it was to do with wink32.sys something like this
then once i got irql_not _less_or_equal

it always says 'beginning dump of physical memory'
for sure! :(

im getting rather frustrated

im thinking of testing the ram anyone know how i can do this?

biggest problem is that my floppy drive dont work on that machine it never did :(

im sure the problem lies in either the ram or the graphics card/drivers
but id like to eliminate the ram!
Unfortunatly that error message is a "catch 22" error for anything and everything ... 15 pages long.

Yes, please do check your memory first ... a foppy drive costs peanuts to buy ... and yes it could well be a driver.

Please post me the FULL error message. ;)
thanks sm

next time it happens
I will write down the whole thing or even take a picture.

so in the meantime is there any way i could test me memory while windows is running?

damn is so horrible the weather today :(
psd99 said:
thanks sm

next time it happens
I will write down the whole thing or even take a picture.

so in the meantime is there any way i could test me memory while windows is running?

damn is so horrible the weather today :(
Sure, hundreds ... try this one;

don't take a picture ... the writen word will be fine for me. :D
ill run the memory test
and then next time i get an error ill exactly wirte it down.
well ive been on the pc last 2 or 3 days
and i dont seem to be getting any errors (touch wood)

so far so good and i dont even remember changing ne thing around
ever head of MIRACLES?

well like i said so far so good...........
oh yer i got a floppy drive its from pc world sony made it

like u said SM 'peanuts'


next is the cpu fan change
and northbridge cooler change (plz see me other post)
If i was you i wouldnt get too comfy. Your waiting to hit the power button and the blue screen appear. I recommend a defrag, it takes ages but it'll show ur bad sectors. Failing that try a low level format and the latest set of drivers for ur sata.
u r rite im being cautios

but i just set up everything properly on that machine

so i dont wanta format it untill i really need to

defragment is an option i will do this!