Windows XP Blue screen -driver related

Aug 22, 2009
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I am running xp pro, sp3, ie8 on my panasonic cf-50.
This morning i ran driver verify from my system files and allowed three drivers. I didn't write down their names.
Since that time my unit runs for about 3 minutes and gives blue sceen saying something about driver-it goes to quickly for me to read it- and re-boots. I did pick up the words stacking kernel if that helps any. I have no clue from here.

The error code is BCCode:c4 BCP1:00000081 BCP2:82aoe580 BCP3:0000008a BCP4:00000000 OSVer:5_1_2600 SP:3-0 Product 256_1

The error content is C:\documen~1\ray\locals~1\temp\WER65a7.dir00\Mini08229-44.dmp\sysdata.xml

When I try to send the error report to MS, it comes back as corrupted. I have tried a restore to three previous date and it will not restore.
In the event log there is a message- Adapter REALTEK RTL8139/810v Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC-Packet Unsupported by this version of the WLAN Security Client.
I don't know what else to tell you. Please HELP!
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