Blue screen after reboot - US Robotics

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Hi All,
I will appreciate if someone can give me some hints about
this blue screen problem, first i'm writing from Perú,
sorry about my english.
I've got a US Robotics external serial modem 2686E. Before
i installed the US Robotics driver i tested the modem
(with microsoft modem) and worked fine, with a low speed
but ok.
Then i installed the driver from the CD, and also
installed two products that also came with the cd, one
related to the V92, and the other related to an advisor
that you have a phone call while you are on the web. (i
don't remember the names very well i just did it
The second application asked me to reboot the machine to
complete the configuration, everything fine so far.
But, when i restarted the machine, when almost all the
programs were loaded, and ready go through, a blue screen
showed up.
the message is similar to DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL
smserial.sys. And reboot again.
There were many other codes before, i only took note of
the last one F026A69A.
At this point, every time i reboot the machine when all
the systems seems to be loaded, the blue screen again,
also creates memory dump, it's like a loop.
I'm writing this e-mail from a cafe internet, and i
haven't found a similar problem in the KB.

i'll appreciate your help.


Use your ERD that you made just before you installed the drivers.
Or if you have the driver file name, boot into Safe Mode and uninstall it.
You also might try boot into "last known Good Configuration"
Another choice in boot up in "last know good configuration"
If you're not familiar with Safe Mode boot procedure, put a floppy in drive
(not boot floppy), when alerted release the floppy, press teh space bar and
immediately press F8 after.
hope this helps,

All else fails carry it to a shop.


Hi All,
I will appreciate if someone can give me some hints about
this blue screen problem, first i'm writing from Perú,
sorry about my english.
I've got a US Robotics external serial modem 2686E. Before
i installed the US Robotics driver i tested the modem
(with microsoft modem) and worked fine, with a low speed
but ok.
Then i installed the driver from the CD, and also
installed two products that also came with the cd, one
related to the V92, and the other related to an advisor
that you have a phone call while you are on the web. (i
don't remember the names very well i just did it
The second application asked me to reboot the machine to
complete the configuration, everything fine so far.
But, when i restarted the machine, when almost all the
programs were loaded, and ready go through, a blue screen
showed up.
the message is similar to DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL
smserial.sys. And reboot again.
There were many other codes before, i only took note of
the last one F026A69A.
At this point, every time i reboot the machine when all
the systems seems to be loaded, the blue screen again,
also creates memory dump, it's like a loop.
I'm writing this e-mail from a cafe internet, and i
haven't found a similar problem in the KB.

i'll appreciate your help.


Hi Don,
Some more precise information about the error.
Model: US Robotics 5686E
Sw: Driver US Robotics installed,
Control Center installed,
Internet call installed, this installation asked me to
restart the machine in order to complete the installation.

Blue screen message
STOP: 0x000000D1
Address F021A69A base at F0214000, Date Stamp 394e6ce9 -

Empezando el volcado de memoria física (starting dumping
of physical memory....i guess)
volcando memoria física : <counter>

I already tried the boot into safe mode and tried to
uninstall the Internet call application, but the system
didn't do anything i waited for a long time and the
uninstall program stayed in a non responding state, so i
had to end the task (task administrator tool). i thought
that in safe mode couldn't do that. i'll try again.

i'll also try boot into "last known Good Configuration"

Thanks in advance, if you have any other hint i'll
appreciate it.


Hi Don,
Some more precise information about the error.
Model: US Robotics 5686E
Sw: Driver US Robotics installed,
Control Center installed,
Internet call installed, this installation asked me to
restart the machine in order to complete the installation.

Blue screen message
STOP: 0x000000D1
Address F021A69A base at F0214000, Date Stamp 394e6ce9 -

Empezando el volcado de memoria física (starting dumping
of physical memory....i guess)
volcando memoria física : <counter>

I already tried the boot into safe mode and tried to
uninstall the Internet call application, but the system
didn't do anything i waited for a long time and the
uninstall program stayed in a non responding state, so i
had to end the task (task administrator tool). i thought
that in safe mode couldn't do that. i'll try again.

i'll also try boot into "last known Good Configuration"

Thanks in advance, if you have any other hint i'll
appreciate it.


Boy this sounds like a serial port conflict. See if you can boot into
"safe mode" and find what is stealing the IRQ... If you cannot use
com1 or com2 the USR is generally happy w/irg5.
Hi Don,
Some more precise information about the error.
Model: US Robotics 5686E
Sw: Driver US Robotics installed,
Control Center installed,
Internet call installed, this installation asked me to
restart the machine in order to complete the installation.

Blue screen message
STOP: 0x000000D1
Address F021A69A base at F0214000, Date Stamp 394e6ce9 -

Empezando el volcado de memoria física (starting dumping
of physical memory....i guess)
volcando memoria física : <counter>

I already tried the boot into safe mode and tried to
uninstall the Internet call application, but the system
didn't do anything i waited for a long time and the
uninstall program stayed in a non responding state, so i
had to end the task (task administrator tool). i thought
that in safe mode couldn't do that. i'll try again.

i'll also try boot into "last known Good Configuration"

Thanks in advance, if you have any other hint i'll
appreciate it.


But then there is tis pos from later in the ng.