I purchased a new HP Pavilion dv9000 less than a month ago. It has Vista
Premium installed. I have gotten a total of 9 blue screens since I purchased
it, for various reasons - USB errors, memory...it seems like there is a
different error every time! I feel that this is too much, and that something
may be wrong with it. I am not the most computer-savvy person but feel a new
laptop shouldn't be doing this. Any thoughts?
I purchased a new HP Pavilion dv9000 less than a month ago. It has Vista
Premium installed. I have gotten a total of 9 blue screens since I purchased
it, for various reasons - USB errors, memory...it seems like there is a
different error every time! I feel that this is too much, and that something
may be wrong with it. I am not the most computer-savvy person but feel a new
laptop shouldn't be doing this. Any thoughts?