Blu-Ray - HD-DVD

Dec 6, 2007
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That will upscale yes, but as to your other Q's I'm not sure. Congrats on getting a dual format though.

I have the HDDVD addon for the 360, since I already have a 360 and HDDVD is region free =D
There is a lot of concern about HDCP currently. It is a new copy protection system for HD-DVDs and is said to be being implemented in the next 3-4 years. Once it has been implemented it will be on every HD-DVD movie and unless you have a HDCP compatible graphics card & monitor the picture will be restricted and only play as standard definition. But seeing as the upgrade time currently is about 2 years you will probably have a new system by then :) :nod:

As for the 720p, yes that will work fine, but you can try unlocking your monitor's settings in 'Display' in Control Panel (where you set the resolution) This is for XP, I wouldn't know how to do it in Vista. I did this to my 1999 ViewSonic 16.4" monitor and managed to get 1080i (not technically interlaced because PC monitors cannot display interlaced by & large). But obviously you do that at your own risk because it would mean you monitor operating outside of it's specifications. But your 22" monitor should easily stretch to that.

By the way that's one cracking system you have there, a GTX too... :D