tony h
hope someone can save me hours of grief.
my son cleverly decided to flick the voltage switch on the back of the power
supply, changing from 220v (uk where we live) to 110v, as the supply was on
at the time this was followed by a 'green flash'. obviously the computer
doesn't work anymore.
before i start stripping my pc down to check components (starting with
changing the psu) is the general opinion that the whole pc will be buggered,
motherboard, cpu, ram, gpu, drives etc.. or may i be lucky?
i'm guessing that a surge of double the required voltage may have been
issued throughout the whole pc, but am hoping that there maybe a fuse or
something in the power supply that saved everything else.
thanks for any help /advice
my son cleverly decided to flick the voltage switch on the back of the power
supply, changing from 220v (uk where we live) to 110v, as the supply was on
at the time this was followed by a 'green flash'. obviously the computer
doesn't work anymore.
before i start stripping my pc down to check components (starting with
changing the psu) is the general opinion that the whole pc will be buggered,
motherboard, cpu, ram, gpu, drives etc.. or may i be lucky?
i'm guessing that a surge of double the required voltage may have been
issued throughout the whole pc, but am hoping that there maybe a fuse or
something in the power supply that saved everything else.
thanks for any help /advice