P ptwilliams Jan 17, 2005 #2 Err...can you elaborate on that a little please? I'm sorry, but I don't understand the problem. -- Paul Williams http://www.msresource.net/ http://forums.msresource.net/ We have DC wint win2k, all the time user bloking, whe they out what happend
Err...can you elaborate on that a little please? I'm sorry, but I don't understand the problem. -- Paul Williams http://www.msresource.net/ http://forums.msresource.net/ We have DC wint win2k, all the time user bloking, whe they out what happend
T Tomasz Onyszko [MVP] Jan 18, 2005 #3 ptwilliams said: Err...can you elaborate on that a little please? I'm sorry, but I don't understand the problem. Click to expand... I think that the problem is that some user account is constantly locked out - suggest to check the security logs, check if some serivce is not using this user's account with wrong password "Account Lockout and Management Tools" can be usefull: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...9c-91f3-4e63-8629-b999adde0b9e&DisplayLang=en
ptwilliams said: Err...can you elaborate on that a little please? I'm sorry, but I don't understand the problem. Click to expand... I think that the problem is that some user account is constantly locked out - suggest to check the security logs, check if some serivce is not using this user's account with wrong password "Account Lockout and Management Tools" can be usefull: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...9c-91f3-4e63-8629-b999adde0b9e&DisplayLang=en