Hi all, if poss could do with a question answered but first in brief let me introduce myself. As you will see I am logged in as robpicu, i am rob & fortunate to being a private investigator. 1 year now & what a great job, love it, love it.
In my spare time like to check out new tech stuff, software / program reviews etc. Sites like this is just what we all need, someone always seems to have an answer so here go's:-
Please, does anyone know how i can create a cd combining mp3 tracks with visualizations. I want to be able to play these through my dvd player to view on a plasma screen? Many thanks, hope someone can advise. bye 4 now
In my spare time like to check out new tech stuff, software / program reviews etc. Sites like this is just what we all need, someone always seems to have an answer so here go's:-
Please, does anyone know how i can create a cd combining mp3 tracks with visualizations. I want to be able to play these through my dvd player to view on a plasma screen? Many thanks, hope someone can advise. bye 4 now