From: "(e-mail address removed)" <
[email protected]>
| Start up boot frequently infects with this virus and Norton does not get it
| out. Some one please help. I keep restarting People Pc and it keeps popping
| up to get rid of malicious software. Also People pc folders are infected.
| (e-mail address removed)
There are anti virus News Groups specifically for this type of discussion.
"Bloodhound.MBR detection when you run a virus scan when IBM Rescue and Recovery is
"Bloodhound.MBR detected when scanning with Norton AntiVirus"
Basically "Bloodhound" is a Heuristic detection and for some freason NAV is causing this to
be detected. As shown above, there are reasons for False Positive declarations as this
indicates a Heuristics Boot Sector Infector.
Is this system using FAT32 or NTFS ?
You also stated... "Also People pc folders are infected" with what ?
What does NAV find and what is the Fully qualified name and paths to the infected files ?