blood pressure charting

  • Thread starter Thread starter MIke
  • Start date Start date


Blood pressure needs two readings, a Systolic and a Diastolic reading. Does
any one know how I can display readings that I have kept ove the months of
my own hypertention.

The readings need to give the date, time and the two readings, usually with
a line joining the two readings.

a tipical example of a reading is:

date 11/2/05
time 20.15
sys 130
dia 74

many thanks

Experiment with this data
date sys dia
11/02/2005 10:00 130 74
12/02/2005 10:00 127 60
13/02/2005 10:00 135 75
14/02/2005 10:00 140 80
15/02/2005 10:00 160 90
16/02/2005 10:00 137 78

Make an XY plot using A1:B7
Right click on data series in chart; use Format Data Series;Open Y-Error bar
Click in Custom and use mouse to fill the minus (-) text box

Is this OK for you?
Come back if not.
Good luck with the blood pressure
You've received some good suggestions, any of which will give you what
you want -- though John, IMO, went a little overboard. {g}

Yet another option to consider is a stacked column chart. Add a column
for systolic less the diastolic as in
date time sys dia diff
11/2/2005 10:00 130 74 56
18:00 127 60 67
12/2/2005 10:00 135 75 60
13/02/2005 10:00 140 80 60
19:00 135 75 60
Now, plot date and time on the x-axis and dia and diff on the y-axis as
a stacked column.

Yet another alternative has the added benefit that it doesn't require
you to massage the data as above (i.e., deleting the duplicate date
values). Leave the data in the original format, i.e.,
date time sys dia diff
11/2/2005 10:00 130 74 56
11/2/2005 18:00 127 60 67
12/2/2005 10:00 135 75 60
13/02/2005 10:00 140 80 60
13/02/2005 19:00 135 75 60

Now, create a Pivottable and Pivotchart (from the Data menu). Put the
date and time as row fields, the dia and diff as data fields. You'll
see a 'Data' item in the top row of the table. The 'Sum of Dia' and
'Sum of diff' will be one below the other. Click and drag that to the
right until it overlaps the Totals column and let go of the mouse. Now
the 2 fields will be in adjacent columns. Finally, change the type of
the associated chart to 'Stacked Column.'


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions
Many thanks for the many suggestions suggestions.

I have found that if you create a line chart and format the data series you
can remove the lines and on the options tab, put in up/down bars on the
upper reading, this give a chart with the systolic and diastolic joined for
each reading.

I have'et found a way to add in the pulse readign to this chart yet.

I have'et found a way to add in the pulse readign to this chart yet.

I guess you didn't look at what I sent.
Mike -

Add the pulse, but change the pulse series to an XY Scatter series
(select the series, choose Chart Type from the Chart menu), then if
necessary remove any secondary axes Excel provides for you (choose Chart
Options from Chart menu, then Axes tab).

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions