I'll be shopping for a new internet hard drive soon. I see lots of
posts here about SATA, RAID, IDE, etc drives. I'm just a desktop user
and there's no network. What kind of drive do I need to buy?
(e-mail address removed)
Since there's no such thing as an Internet Hard Drive, I think we've got
some confusion in the terms being used. A hard drive is a computer
component, and it's where your programs and data are stored. It really has
nothing to do with the internet. Is that what you're looking to buy? If so,
the type of drive you buy depends on the computer you have now, what it will
support, and what you need the new drive for. If you just need extra
storage, an external USB drive might be the best bet, but if you want to
replace your old drive with a new one, then you need to replace it with the
same type of drive, or at least one that the motherboard will support and
boot off of. Or you may want an extra internal drive, and then you need to
determine whether there's room inside the computer to mount an extra drive,
and if you have the proper connections for it.
On the other hand, I've known a great many people who call the whole
computer the "hard drive" and this leads to a lot of confusion. Is this
perhaps what you're wanting to buy?
If neither of those guesses is correct, then maybe you can elaborate a bit.