I have a younger brother who has recently gotten into a
lot of trouble over the content of the sites he likes to
go to and the searches he does on the internet. He was
ordered by a court not to visit any other website but the
two he was approved to go to. I have recently found out,
by going the the history of his web browsing that he is
up to his old tricks again and I would like a little help
customizing the IE browser on his screen so that he can
only go to the sites that my family will allow him to.
Is there a way this can be done without effecting
internet useage on our other computer screens? If so, I
would really appreciate the help.
lot of trouble over the content of the sites he likes to
go to and the searches he does on the internet. He was
ordered by a court not to visit any other website but the
two he was approved to go to. I have recently found out,
by going the the history of his web browsing that he is
up to his old tricks again and I would like a little help
customizing the IE browser on his screen so that he can
only go to the sites that my family will allow him to.
Is there a way this can be done without effecting
internet useage on our other computer screens? If so, I
would really appreciate the help.