blocking porn site

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ankit Shah
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Ankit Shah

Is there any software or any setting that will block certain certain porn
domains. I have windows xp service pack 2. I am on a domain at work. I am
using windows 2000 server with domain server.

Ankit Shah

If you have a specific list of sites you wish to block, you may find it
easiest to use the hosts file to block any access to these domains.

More information can be found here: (you may need to scroll down
to the appropriate header).

Another source of information, including a sample file which blocks spyware and
parasites (but not pornography), is available here:

You may also opt to add those sites to a restricted sites list (which,
depending on your configuration, may not necessarily block the sites, but
reduces their privileges).

However, if you are interested in a program to block a broad variety of
sites, you would best be served by third party programs. You would be wise to
note that, for the most part, the definitions used by these programs in
determining what constitutes pornography is extremely subjective, and may differ
from your expected standards. I'm not familiar with the standards within this
software group, so you may need to do research to find out an appropriate
solution to your situation.

Best regards,


: Is there any software or any setting that will block certain certain porn
: domains. I have windows xp service pack 2. I am on a domain at work. I am
: using windows 2000 server with domain server.
: Ankit Shah

Please note that in my reply, I am assuming wish to block pornography on a
local client, rather than black-listing it on a server.

If this is incorrect, please feel free to reply,

Best regards,


: Is there any software or any setting that will block certain certain porn
: domains. I have windows xp service pack 2. I am on a domain at work. I am
: using windows 2000 server with domain server.
: Ankit Shah
I was hoping you share your wisdom with me on a server side. This is for my
work. I don't my employees to have a chance to surf the web.

Ankit Shah
Ankit Shah said:
I was hoping you share your wisdom with me on a server side. This is for my
work. I don't my employees to have a chance to surf the web.

A commercial filter is one way to go, and another is to put a bogus address
= port sites in a HOSTS file. Route them to nowhere, or to a page you prefer
to show instead. It's going to be a difficult job determining what is porn
and what is not, and it is never-ending.

If the employees are allowed to access only a few domains, then a routing
table with only the permitted domains is the better idea.

Overall, Social Engineering is the way to go. Publish a policy. Post Web
browsing stats by site/person. Then start kicking ass. I hope you are not a
USA employer.

There are several server-side solutions you could use to address this issue.
The first involves the use of Group Policies to enforce what your users can, and
cannot access. I'm not too comfortable getting into the technical details of
setting up such a policy, simply because I don't consider myself intimate with
the process involved.

However, I encourage you to post a query in regards to the applicability of
using group policy on the Windows 2000 Group Policy forum:

Community members there are very familiar with group policy on a 2000
server, and would be able to offer competent advice on how to go about securing
your server through the use of Group Policies.

You may also wish to read the following overview on Group Policy in a 2000

Unless I am mistaken, Group Policy would allow you to set sites to which
employees are allowed to visit, and deny access to the rest of them. You may opt
to investigate whether such a decision warranted, because, depending on what you
do, it may lead to significant disruptions in how employees work.

Alternatively, you may opt to accord different employees different
privileges, depending on their role within your organization, or your trust
relationship with them.

As I previously mentioned, there do exist third party programs which list
and block sites of an unproductive, pornographic, or irrelevant nature, however
they are of an extremely subjective nature, so care should be taken to ensure
you use a quality provider, or, at minimum, a provider allowing you to stipulate
various tolerances to subjects.

I am sorry I cannot help you more specifically,

Best regards,


: I was hoping you share your wisdom with me on a server side. This is for my
: work. I don't my employees to have a chance to surf the web.
: > : > : Is there any software or any setting that will block certain certain
: > porn
: > : domains. I have windows xp service pack 2. I am on a domain at work. I
: > am
: > : using windows 2000 server with domain server.
: > :
: > :
: > : Ankit Shah
: > :
: > :
: >
: >