blocking cookies from being deleted by "delet cookies" button



A few months ago I found the option somewhere in windows
that lets you block cookies from being deleted when
using "delete files" and "delete cookies" actions from
the ie tools menu bar. I forgot how to do it, can anyone
help me?

Jan Il

Hi :)
A few months ago I found the option somewhere in windows
that lets you block cookies from being deleted when
using "delete files" and "delete cookies" actions from
the ie tools menu bar. I forgot how to do it, can anyone
help me?

Try the following and see if it helps:

If you want to be more selective about your cookie handling click the
Advanced button. Put a check in the box to over ride the automatic cookie
handling. Then select how you want to handle cookies. Don't forget to
click apply when you have selected the settings you want. The the following
for more information:

How to Manage Cookies in Internet Explorer 6;en-us;q283185


See Cookies Button:

or ............

Here's mroe information on Cookies.

The Cookie Concept


Here are a couple of free utilities that can help you sort your cookies.
Save the ones you want, and 'burn' the others. ;-)

The Coolie Jar:

IECookiesView - view and manage your cookies

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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