Block server.transfer on Page Refresh




I have a Server.Transfer from Page A to Page B. When a user presses 'Refresh', I don't want Server.Transfer to be executed again. What is the best way to trap this? I don't want to burn a Session variable for this issue

Thanks - Brian

Chris Jackson

I have a Server.Transfer from Page A to Page B. When a user presses
'Refresh', I don't want
Server.Transfer to be executed again. What is the best way to trap this? I don't want to burn a Session
variable for this issue.

Well, the client is unaware of the transfer unless you do a
response.redirect, so refresh will start over again. You would need to store
something on the server so it can detect that the script has already run
from the page you transferred to, or else use response.redirect instead.
Without any details, it's hard to say what criteria this could be, but you
do have to design around the fact that you can't disable functionality on
the browser itself.

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