Hello guys, I need a help.
I've tried searching for this issue on the internet but I couldn't find
exactly what I was looking for. I always ended up on generic Windows Vista
Firewall pages.
My question is simple: How do I completely block internet access for a
program on Windows Vista? Is it possible? I have already tried creating a
rule on the Firewall With Advanced Security for both inbound and outbound
access using the "New Rule..." wizard. I choose "Program", next I choose the
program's location, next I choose "Block the connection", then I check all
three profiles and finally a name for the rule. I have created testing rules
for both IE and Firefox but they could still access the internet (i.e, the
webpages were still loading). The columns on the firewall control panel show
that the rules are enabled, the action is block and all other columns are
"Any". I thought it would completely prevent the program from accessing the
internet, but it doesn't.
Could you guys give me a hand? Is there a way I could make a program to not
see the internet (or any network for that matter) at all?
Thank you very much,
I've tried searching for this issue on the internet but I couldn't find
exactly what I was looking for. I always ended up on generic Windows Vista
Firewall pages.
My question is simple: How do I completely block internet access for a
program on Windows Vista? Is it possible? I have already tried creating a
rule on the Firewall With Advanced Security for both inbound and outbound
access using the "New Rule..." wizard. I choose "Program", next I choose the
program's location, next I choose "Block the connection", then I check all
three profiles and finally a name for the rule. I have created testing rules
for both IE and Firefox but they could still access the internet (i.e, the
webpages were still loading). The columns on the firewall control panel show
that the rules are enabled, the action is block and all other columns are
"Any". I thought it would completely prevent the program from accessing the
internet, but it doesn't.
Could you guys give me a hand? Is there a way I could make a program to not
see the internet (or any network for that matter) at all?
Thank you very much,