Block an area of sheet from Printing?

  • Thread starter Thread starter lbbss
  • Start date Start date


I often accidentally print entire sheet instead of just the first page. I
only the first page to ever be printed. Is there a way to block the rest
of the excel sheet from printing? thanks
You can highlight the cells by clicking the upper left cell and drag to the
lower-right cell. Go to File>Set Print Area. The highlighted section will
be the area that prints.
What I posted above is how to select only what you want to print, not what
you don't want to print. This will still do what you want, but by activating
only the cells you DO want to print, as opposed to the sells you DON'T want
to print.

Maybe you could record a macro that prints just the first page of the active

Then use that whenever you want to print just a single page.