Wayne said:
I wonder if there is a way to block the AD group policy on
the client so that the client registry settings won't be
constantly modified.
With Group Policy, all changes to the client registry are transitive,
in memory only. When the user logs off and/or shuts down, the client
registry reverts back to its original form.
You can configure an OU to Block Policy Inheritance by using the
check box on the container's Group Policy properties tab. This will
block Group Policy settings from GPOs linked to the OU's parents.
You also could set up User Group Policy Loopback Processing Mode
which can be set up to replace the user settings usually given
to the user with the user settings defined in the computer's GPOs.
Matt Hickman
The simple life is all right for a few days vacation. But
day in and day out it's just so much back breaking drudgery.
Romantic? Hell, man, there's no time to be romantic about
it, and damned little incentive.
- Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988)
_Beyond this Horizon_ (c. 1942)