Bloating Access File Size

Jul 29, 2009
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Hi all,

I've created an MS Access Database that imports an Excel file into a table. The data then goes through a few changes so that it will be in the correct form for the rest of the database. My problem is that whenever I run the sub, the file size increases by around 1MB. However, none of my tables/querries are increasing in size. Where/what is being stored and why??

PS. If my SQL is sloppy or inefficient it is because I'm relatively new to using MS Access and all self-taught. :-P

Public Sub IMPORT()
'Imports JDE Excel Spreadsheet into tbl_pkpn
	'DoCmd.SetWarnings False
	Dim db As DAO.Database, qdf As DAO.QueryDef
	Dim strExcelPath, strSQL As String
	strExcelPath = "G:\MO\Shannan ALL FOLDERS\PK Database\PKWhereUsed.xls"
	Set db = CurrentDb
	Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qryPKPN1")
	MsgBox "This may take a few minutes. Don't Exit MS Access or 'Break' the program."
	Forms!frmdataview.cboSearchPN.RowSource = ""
	Forms!frmdataview.RecordSource = ""
	DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM tbl_pkpn1 ;"
	DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8, "tbl_pkpn1", strExcelPath, True
	DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM tbl_pkpn1 WHERE tbl_pkpn1.[pk] IS NULL ;"
	DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tbl_pkpn1 SET tbl_pkpn1.[pk number] = RIGHT(tbl_pkpn1.[pk], LEN(tbl_pkpn1.[pk]) - 2) ;"
	strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tbl_pkpn1.[part number], tbl_pkpn1.[pk], tbl_pkpn1.[pk number] FROM tbl_pkpn1 WHERE " & _
		"LEFT(tbl_pkpn1.[pk],2) = 'PK' AND " & _
		"ISNUMERIC(RIGHT(LEFT(tbl_pkpn1.[pk],6),4)) ;"
	qdf.SQL = strSQL
	DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * INTO tbl_pkpn FROM qrypkpn1"
	DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM tbl_pkpn1"
	Forms!frmdataview.cboSearchPN.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCT [part number] FROM tbl_pkpn ORDER BY [part number]"
	Set qdf = Nothing
	Set db = Nothing
	DoCmd.SetWarnings True
	MsgBox "Import Complete!" & Chr(10) & "Begin P/N to PK table sync."
End Sub