Nomen Nescio
(1) ComputerWorld
EEye Digital Security today added antivirus defenses to its free Blink
Personal Internet Security suite, which targets consumers and home-
office users.
The suite relies on multiple antivirus scanning engines and includes a
personal firewall, antispyware and antiphishing defenses, intrusion-
protection functionality and missing patch-detection skills.
A one-year subscription to Blink Personal Edition With Antivirus can be
downloaded free of charge for a limited time http://snipurl.com/1f09b .
(2) N.N.
OK, it might suck and it might be useless, but the price is certainly
better than the definitely sucking and ultra-useless McKaspersky Anti-
Panda NortonTrend http://snipurl.com/worthlessware (or whatever the
EEye Digital Security today added antivirus defenses to its free Blink
Personal Internet Security suite, which targets consumers and home-
office users.
The suite relies on multiple antivirus scanning engines and includes a
personal firewall, antispyware and antiphishing defenses, intrusion-
protection functionality and missing patch-detection skills.
A one-year subscription to Blink Personal Edition With Antivirus can be
downloaded free of charge for a limited time http://snipurl.com/1f09b .
(2) N.N.
OK, it might suck and it might be useless, but the price is certainly
better than the definitely sucking and ultra-useless McKaspersky Anti-
Panda NortonTrend http://snipurl.com/worthlessware (or whatever the