Sorry, I misunderstood you as asking from the vantage point of
the recipient.
With the message selected, press Ctrl-F3. This will show the
message source code complete with all headers, including BCC.
Although there is no print function on that screen, you can do
Ctrl-A (select all) followed by Ctrl-C (copy), then paste that into a
program like Notepad, and print from there.
Gary VanderMolen [MS MVP-WLM]
Blind copied Email said:
Yes, but how do I as the sender have a file print out of the sent Email
showing I had copied in the 'blind copied' recipient when Emailing the
primary recipient (not wanting to show to the primary recipient to who else I
had copied my Email to, in order to preserve the confidentiality of the
'blind copied' recipient). I seem to recall Outlook Express revealed 'bcc'
addresses in the print outs of the sent Email.
The Bcc recipient has nothing that would overtly show his email address,
but he could print out the message headers which would show a
time-stamped delivery to his mail server. Press Ctrl-F3 to see that.
Sometimes those hidden headers include the recipient's email address,
but that depends on the policy of the particular mail server administrator.
Gary VanderMolen [MS MVP-WLM]
When an Email is sent as a blind copy (bcc) how can the 'blind' recipient
Email address be displayed in a print out of the Email as proof of sending.
Only cc is shown not bcc.