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installed patch afer installed service pk 2..
Due to ongoing Erroe"
svchost has caused error & will now shut down~
you will have to restart the program!

will not allow to run internet connection:
or any other windows otions..

the patch will not install after requiered restart..

the svchost error flasshes on the screen & the windows
install diologe just sits stalled?!
I,m using a friends computer to send this, Please
depsaretly need any advice .. online business is now down -
my e-mail is here feel free to send any info..
Thanks in advance,
Open Taskmanager and look for the msblast.exe, mspatch.exe or
teekids-proces. Kill it and go to to get the removaltool.
After that install ms03-039 from microsoft to prevent from happening again.

The patch was intended to remove the vulnerability from Windows
(preventative) rather than to remove the worm once you're infected.
Remember, MS03-026 was issued a month before the Blaster worm hit. You need
to clean the worm and then install the MS03-039 patch (which supercedes the
MS03-026 patch and adds protection against a new set of vulnerabilities).

Also, you should be installing Service Pack 4 now, not Service Pack 2.

See Marina's post for removal instructions..
