Blank windows with Norton Set UP, User Accts, System Restore



Dell computer - Windows XP - trying to install new Nortons Internet Security
2006 - when it loads the set up box gives me a next box, some list of things
it does - but no graphics, when I click next - nothing happens. When I try
to do system restore the window opens up but it is blank, same with User
Accts. Not sure what is going on but I need a solution quickly if possible.

Thanks so much for any thoughts

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Contact Symantec Technical Support

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups



| Dell computer - Windows XP - trying to install new Nortons Internet Security
| 2006 - when it loads the set up box gives me a next box, some list of things
| it does - but no graphics, when I click next - nothing happens. When I try
| to do system restore the window opens up but it is blank, same with User
| Accts. Not sure what is going on but I need a solution quickly if possible.
| Thanks so much for any thoughts


I too installed Norton 2006 Internet Security and the same thing happened, I
have talked with Symantec technical support many times ( at least 10 and two
of the times they hung up) I have tried the removal tool they have given me,
that didn't work, I tried everything and my computer is messed up and I
cannot access interenet. The removal tool will not take out Norton. If
anyone can help, please advise. You cannot use system restore either because
when you try it comes up blank... Please help, thanks.


KMayo said:
I too installed Norton 2006 Internet Security and the same thing happened, I
have talked with Symantec technical support many times ( at least 10 and two
of the times they hung up) I have tried the removal tool they have given me,
that didn't work, I tried everything and my computer is messed up and I
cannot access interenet. The removal tool will not take out Norton. If
anyone can help, please advise. You cannot use system restore either because
when you try it comes up blank... Please help, thanks.

Carey cannot respond with his/her own words. He or she can only copy and
paste things like a robot.

You should uninstall Norton and never, ever, put it on a computer again.
Unfortunately, Norton's uninstall is not complete. I had a client you
needed it removed and I used SystemSuite's registry fixer to remove all
the garbage that Norton leaves behind when you uninstall it. SystemSuite
is not free but I recommend it highly:

With SystemSuite you will get TrendMicro's AV and a Sygate firewall.


Maybe you didn't notice, but this was happening before she installed
Norton. Thank you.


You are welcome Kathy. I used to do tech support for Norton Antivirus,
and that was a common issue. It's not the AV that causes it, it's a
Windows problem that goes unnoticed until you try to install Norton.


I tried a registry fix program and it didn't work, I am hesitant to get
another one, they all claim to remove it but it didn't work, do you have any
other suggestions for me, would it be wise to re-install windows or even
re-format hard dirve, I have all my work saved on a external disk. It is
really making me mad that this problem seems to wide spread but Norton won't
do anything about it. Thanks!


Yes, I noticed ...... My computer was fine before this and I had norton
software 2005 on my computer and all current updates before downloading
2006. I have noted that many people are complaining of this problem. I just
asked for a little help.


=?Utf-8?B?S3RhaHk=?= said:
Dell computer - Windows XP - trying to install new Nortons Internet Security
2006 - when it loads the set up box gives me a next box, some list of things
it does - but no graphics, when I click next - nothing happens. When I try
to do system restore the window opens up but it is blank, same with User
Accts. Not sure what is going on but I need a solution quickly if possible.

NIS is NOT compatible with every users setup. Since it's NOT compatible
with your setup, do not use it.

Ramesh, MS-MVP

Type these commands from Start, Run:

regsvr32 jscript
regsvr32 vbscript
regsvr32 /i mshtml

Logoff, and log back in. If that does not help, apply the .VBS fix available
in this page:

ActiveX controls may not load as expected in Internet Explorer due to
defense in depth changes introduced in cumulative security update 896688:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting

Dell computer - Windows XP - trying to install new Nortons Internet Security
2006 - when it loads the set up box gives me a next box, some list of things
it does - but no graphics, when I click next - nothing happens. When I try
to do system restore the window opens up but it is blank, same with User
Accts. Not sure what is going on but I need a solution quickly if possible.

Thanks so much for any thoughts

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