Blank Spaces Help



Is there a way to make the spaces between the " "'s be determined by the
length of characters of Sheet2!G9. What I need is a total of 8 characters
including the spaces that precede the number (Sheet2!G9) .
Example first number is 43 .
I need the number of spaces to be 6 then my number
Second number is 120.
I need the number of spaces to be 5 then my number
I was trying to use LEN but couldn't get anywhere.

=CONCATENATE(" ",Sheet2!G9,Sheet2!H9)

Any help suggestions would be appreciated


JohnI in Brisbane


try this formula which adds spaces to the beginning of the text:-

=REPT(" ",8-LEN(G9))&G9

in your example-

=CONCATENATE(REPT(" ",8-LEN(G9))&G9,REPT(" ",8-LEN(H9))&H9)



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