Blank Screens in Antispyware

  • Thread starter Thread starter wayne
  • Start date Start date
I've seen the exact same problem on a customer's computer today. Anyone
knows what causes the problem ?

I'd like to know whether the errors.log file on systems evidencing this
symptom show any error messages referencing issues registering specific
files --ocx's or dll's?

Experimentally--if this is the case, one thing to try is SP6 for the VB

If the failure to register is due to mismatched versions in the run-time
files, this download should rectify that, and allow the install to complete

However--I've made several leaps in this process description which may not
match what you have on your system(s) at all---so check those errors.log
This makes three then... I just submitted my file and am
beyond annoyed with these blank screens and am almost
ready to just uninstall the program and just say 'forget
about it'... Hope you all find the answer... Cheers