Blank screen right before when the windows loading splash is

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i just installed a WD Raptor drive and trying to install Windows XP Pro...the
install went fine - and my BIOS configurations are set for RAID bootup. I
have my other hard drives disconnected and it still wont boot.

I have even gone as far as finishing with the Activation/Serial # and user
name but when i restarted it boots up and runs through POST fine but the
Windows Splash screen --indicating that windows is loading-- doesn't pop up.

i know this sounds like i've just done something dumb but i have built
several computers and this one is just kickin my....well you know

the other HDs that are along for the ride are an EIDE Maxtor 250 Gig
(7200RPM - 8MB Cache) and a SATA WD 250Gig (7200RPM -8MB Cache)
are you sure that the MBR is ok, a blank screen will appear when the first 16
bytes of MBR are corrupt, please check the whole MBR, you can use "fdisk
/mbr" command to recreat it, but at your own risk!