I've written a custom macro that manually sorts the rows
in my spreadsheet into custom sections. I use the Cut and
Paste methods to move rows from the bottom of my sheet to
the appropriate section. However, after I run the macro I
end up with additional blank rows at the end of the sheet.
I tried selecting the rows and deleting them, but they
still show up. This causes a problem when printing since
the blank rows get included. If I run the macro 10+ times,
I end up with thousands of blank lines at the end. Any
idea on how to get rid of these blank lines?
in my spreadsheet into custom sections. I use the Cut and
Paste methods to move rows from the bottom of my sheet to
the appropriate section. However, after I run the macro I
end up with additional blank rows at the end of the sheet.
I tried selecting the rows and deleting them, but they
still show up. This causes a problem when printing since
the blank rows get included. If I run the macro 10+ times,
I end up with thousands of blank lines at the end. Any
idea on how to get rid of these blank lines?