Blank pages

Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Hello fellas, Have a question! I was at a site the other day to download a form from the DMV.
When I clicked on the link to the form all I got was a blank page with some kind of small emblem or something up in the left hand corner of the page. I tried the other links to other forms but it was always the same result.
Is it my computer? Or is it the site itself that is the problem? Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.
I sometimes have problems with certain websites because of norton internet security.

Do you have this installed?
KGB-911 said:
I sometimes have problems with certain websites because of norton internet security.

Do you have this installed?
Thank you for answering my post KBG-911. No, not Norton Security, I'm not too sharp at this stuff. So here is what I've got. I have something called 'AntiVir' for XP, And 'Sygate Firewall' and 'Ad-Aware Personal SE' and something called 'Fix it Utillities 5'.
I don't use any of them, so i cannot say that it may be one of them.
Now all i can suggest is that there is something wrong with the website you are visiting. can you sand them an email and ask for the forms?

If not the only other thing i can suggest is that you do a google search for the forms and see if they come up on another website


Right click the icon you mentioned, does it say anything?

what sort of icon is it?

you prob haven't got activex/flash enabled or installed.