blank line on my incoming faxes. Brother:mfc-6800

  • Thread starter Thread starter James
  • Start date Start date
James said:
anyone know why there is a blank line on my received faxes?

We need more information.
Can you describe where on the page the blank line is on the page, does it
repeat elsewhere on the page (if so exactly how far apart are the blank
lines?), does it happen with an internal photocopy?
when receiving faxes its a very thin blank line, about one dot thick. the
line is vertical, assuming a portrait oriented page.
when making a photocopy of a blank piece of white paper, it prints a black
line in the same place as the fax had the blank line. it prints a very thin
line, one dot width, and if you look closely its slightly doted, not solid
some times.
There is a slim possibility that it is a dirty scanner lens, this usually has
the opposite effect (missing portions of print), but easy to fix. Open the
printer, remove the drum unit and you will see a piece of glass in the base of
the printer that runs across from left to right, just wipe it with a soft cloth.
Otherwise it is one of two things. Either the drum unit has failed or a fuser
(fixing unit) has a damaged roller. Most likely the drum unit.
You can do a half test to see where the problem is but it requires a bit of
experimenting. You need to print a page (blank is fine) and stop the printer by
opening the top cover (not the scanner cover) so that the page has stopped
underneath the drum unit. remove the drum unit and look at the paper, is the
line present on the paper just after the drum and before it feeds into the
fuser (this is at the very front of the printer and usually has a warning label
that it is hot)? If the line is present under and after the drum then the drum
wiper blade has failed and you need a new drum unit. If the mark is not there
but is present on the paper that has passed under the fuser then the problem is
a damaged fuser roller and that requires fuser replacement.