Thanks for the effort. I guess I wasn't clear enough and perhaps sounded
like a novice programmer. Let me clarify what is going on here. (The
program was originally written in MS Access 2.0 and is now being run (after
consecutive upgrades over the years) in A2k. (Did earlier versions of Access
have such a property that is somehow lingering?)
1. There is no code anywhere in the form that would change the format or
make the text white on a white background. I already checked for that.
2. I've taken an existing control (where 0 is blank), copied it and set it's
source to one of the new fields. The behavior is the same as the older
controls. Zero values are blank.
3. I've compared each and every property of the controls and there are NO
differences except for the name, top and left properties.
4. All the text boxes on the form are bound to fields in the database
5. The default value for the old fiedls and the new fields is 0
6. The data in both new and old fields for older records is never blank
(null). There is always a value in all the data (zero or otherwise).
7. When you click into one of the older controls that is showing BLANK, you
suddenly see a 0. When you click out, the 0 is gone and you see a BLANK
control again
8. There are NO events on the controls at all (no OnExit, OnEnter, GotFocus,
LostFocus or anything else)
9. The format property is set to: #,##0.00[Red];(#,##0.00)[Blue]. There is
no reason of course for that to reslult in a blank control.
10. The source of the form is just a plain old query returning basic data.
I ran the query on it's own and every field has either 0 or non-zero values
(no blanks). No special formatting on the fields returned by the query
because he's just returning TableName.*
11. I have another program that I took over from a previous programmer
several years ago that has the same exact behavior. It was very frustrating
to me at the time (there is no code or formatting that would make it display
like that). The client likes to see blank "cells" in continuous forms
because there are so many of them. To display 0's would be distracting.
When I had to create some new objects for them I ended up having to copy
controls from other forms to get the same behavior. I pretty much gave up
on trying to figure out how to do this and did it the grungy way. I've seen
"Blank if 0" property settings in other languages before. I've never been
able to see this in MS Access. But again , I wonder if it is a carryover
from earlier versions. If so, it's a nice feature and annoying that MS
would have eliminated it. Coding that sort of thing is a pain.
Thanks for any help I might get on this